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An Adventurous Journey
... posted on Nov 01 2004, 669 reads


Real Change
... posted on Oct 31 2004, 504 reads


28 Year Old MIT Grad
He's not your typical 28 year old. Vikram Kumar shares a two-bedroom apartment with a sister and a nephew and gets around town by bicycle or in a 20-year-old Mercedes Benz. By day, this MIT grad works as a pathology resident in a Boston hospital and by night, he's the tech executive for a company hoping to improve rural health care in developing countries with handheld computer technology. Desp... posted on Oct 30 2004, 1,075 reads


Sand and Foam
... posted on Oct 25 2004, 583 reads


The Only Revolution
... posted on Oct 24 2004, 520 reads


Just say Yes!
He dropped out of 5th grade. At 16, in the mid 80s, he took off in his car to reach out to the youth. Instead of 'just say no', he was urging youth to just say 'yes' -- yes to living with meaning, purpose, integrity and commitment. One school assembly after another, he would get people fired up about service and engaged in local community work. To date, his efforts have touched more than 625,000... posted on Oct 23 2004, 1,697 reads


Passenger In A Train
... posted on Oct 17 2004, 1,965 reads


Everything is OK
... posted on Oct 11 2004, 617 reads


Ethics, Unqualified
... posted on Oct 10 2004, 1,342 reads


Best Things in Life
Three billion people live on less than $2 per day while 1.3 billion get by on less than $1 per day. Seventy percent of those living on less than $1 per day are women. Ever wonder exactly how much money you make compared to others around the whole world? Here's your chance to find out.... posted on Oct 09 2004, 2,018 reads


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Your silence will not protect you.
Audre Lorde

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