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Saved By Dolphins
At a beach near Whangarei in New Zealand, a group of swimmers were being trained as lifeguards when a menacing 10 foot shark attacked them! Just as they started to panic, a group of about half of dozen dolphins came in to protect them and stayed for about 40 minutes until the swimmers were out of danger. Marine biologists say such altruistic behaviour is not uncommon in dolphins, considered the ... posted on Nov 25 2004, 1,646 reads


Thus Spake Shakespeare
An average person in England used 3,000 to 4,000. The Hebrew testament used 5,642. The poet John Milton used 8000. But Shakespeare, rather incredibly used 15,000, by some conservative estimates! What are these counts for? The number of words used. It is also believed that Shakespeare has added the most amount of words to the English dictionary, a number that Oxford Dictionary says is 3000 wo... posted on Nov 23 2004, 1,132 reads


Wasted Years
... posted on Nov 22 2004, 923 reads


Persuing Truth
... posted on Nov 21 2004, 494 reads


Question and Answer
... posted on Nov 15 2004, 500 reads


Be Nobody But Myself
... posted on Nov 14 2004, 579 reads


Grains of Rice
Donate a handful of rice a day! That's how Community Radio Madanpokhara (CRM) of Nepal, a community-owned radio station, is raising money. Instead of millionaires, the villagers are giving and it's adding up quickly. It's now a big part of CRM's budget -- they expect to raise USD 4000 this first year -- and is critical for the radio station's sustenance; and the idea has dramatically enhanced co... posted on Nov 11 2004, 1,852 reads


Curing Poverty
In 1985, Jeffrey Sachs helped Bolivian government recover from 25,000 percent inflation. A few year later, at 35, he rescued Poland securing his reputation as an economic savior. And now, he's turning his attention to Africa. Sachs believes that Africa, through no fault of its own, is trapped. The economist is calling for $45/person in foreign aid for the next 10 years. As an American, he note... posted on Nov 10 2004, 1,043 reads


Fifty-Two Names For Snow
... posted on Nov 08 2004, 949 reads


Work Together
... posted on Nov 07 2004, 1,640 reads


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Quote Bulletin

A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are.
Ara Parasheghian

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