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Human Follies and Human Wisdom
... posted on Dec 13 2004, 1,572 reads


Simple Listening
... posted on Dec 12 2004, 926 reads


78 Cents
With just 78 cents in his savings account and 44,000 owed to creditors, parking attendant Juan Rodriguez plunked down $1 on a lottery ticket. Good thing he wasn’t pinching pennies: He won the $88.5 million jackpot.... posted on Dec 11 2004, 1,177 reads


Order and Chaos
... posted on Dec 06 2004, 526 reads


... posted on Dec 05 2004, 602 reads


Serving Soul Food
Service his style leaves little space for anything else. He doesn't read the newspapers or watch television. He doesn't go out with friends or take vacations. But he can cut a pound of onions in four minutes flat and make 100 different varieties of pickle. Three years ago, at the age of 20, Krishnan noticed a poor man eating his own waste. That sight shook him so deeply that the next week, he qu... posted on Dec 04 2004, 1,459 reads


Journey is the Destination
In just 22 years, Dan Eldon led many lives. Best known for his vibrant and provocative journals, he was also a photojournalist, humanitarian, entrepreneur, adventurer, and student of the world. After high school, Dan hitchhiked through South Africa to photograph anti-apartheid rallies. During one of his trips to Malawi, he donated his car to "save the children". Radiating from Dan are the spok... posted on Dec 03 2004, 1,806 reads


We Have, They Need
... posted on Nov 29 2004, 1,551 reads


Immortality of the New
... posted on Nov 28 2004, 2,180 reads


Kids With Cameras
After her masters in theology at Cambridge, Zana Briski made her second trip to India. This time her destination was the "red light" district of Calcutta. The most stigmatized people in Calcutta's red light district, are not the prostitutes, but their children. In the face of abject poverty, abuse, and despair, these kids have little possibility of escaping their mother's fate or for creating an... posted on Nov 27 2004, 1,191 reads


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Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.
George Eliot

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