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Judgement of Others
... posted on Jan 10 2005, 559 reads


Collective Knowing
... posted on Jan 09 2005, 661 reads


Embracing a Miracle
She's been able to play a song on the piano after just hearing it since she was 5. She's been composing music since she was 10. She has a repertoire of more than 15,000 songs she can play from memory. She is also blind, autistic, mentally retarded and only 15. Young Brittany Maier is what many call a living miracle.... posted on Jan 06 2005, 1,678 reads


Travelers On The Road
... posted on Jan 03 2005, 1,540 reads


Ourselves We Are Helping
... posted on Jan 02 2005, 514 reads


Builder of a Temple
... posted on Dec 27 2004, 634 reads


No Task But To Live
... posted on Dec 26 2004, 944 reads


What You Love
... posted on Dec 20 2004, 1,246 reads


I Shall Use My Time
... posted on Dec 19 2004, 536 reads


Sowing a Cell Phone
Bury your cell phone and watch it come up as a flower. Yup, that's the latest from researchers at University of Warwick. Realizing that mobile telephones are quickly becoming one of the most commonly discarded electronic items, these researchers have designed stylish yet biodegrable cell phones!... posted on Dec 14 2004, 1,212 reads


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There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.
Mark Nepo

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