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... posted on Feb 06 2005, 649 reads


Travel Light
... posted on Jan 31 2005, 573 reads


Judge Not
... posted on Jan 30 2005, 975 reads


Compassionate Listening
The Compassionate Listening Project (CLP) is succeeding at cultivating peace in areas of the world where militarism and violence have completely failed. Inspired by the work of Gene Knudsen Hoffman and Thich Nhat Hanh, CLP has been working side-by-side with Israelis and Palestinians in modeling respectful listening as a path toward friendship that transcends political, religious, and ethnic bound... posted on Jan 28 2005, 1,199 reads


The Cellist of Sarajevo
On May 27,1992, a bakery in Sarajevo was making bread and distributing it to a long line of war-shattered people stretched out into the street. Suddenly a shell fell directly into the middle of the line, killing 22 people instantly. Not far away lived a 37-year old musician named Vedran Smailovic, who before the war he had been the principal cellist of the Sarajevo Opera— But when he saw the car... posted on Jan 25 2005, 1,943 reads


Prayer's Reach
... posted on Jan 24 2005, 557 reads


Harvard's Fun Czar
Harvard University students: overachieving, bookish bores or repressed party animals? A little of both, it seems. Following complaints that it does little to promote campus social life, the Ivy League school has hired its first "fun czar" -- Zac Corker, a recent Harvard graduate whose job is to build community spirit and help stressed-out students unwind. ... posted on Jan 18 2005, 1,037 reads


When I Look Back
... posted on Jan 17 2005, 2,205 reads


Let It Run
... posted on Jan 16 2005, 989 reads


Returning a Favor
A Buddhist monk in Canada stunned his congregation by putting his temple up for sale, in a bid to raise half a million dollars for victims of the Asian tsunami tragedy. For the abbot, Thich Nguyen Thao, the pledge is an expression of gratitude to the people of Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia who provided them refuge when they fled Vietnam. "They housed and fed us. This is a small gesture to tha... posted on Jan 11 2005, 1,113 reads


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All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
Havelock Ellis

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