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Engineers Without Borders
The Mayan village of San Pablo in Belize had no electricity, no running water, no sanitation, and since most villagers worked on the local banana plantation the duty of hand-carrying drinking and irrigation water to the village from a nearby river fell to the children. That was until University of Colorado civil engineering professor Dr. Bernard Amadei and his students designed, funded, and built ... posted on Feb 23 2005, 1,000 reads


A brain walks into a bar...
Imagine that you are sitting with a friend and suddenly, your friend's face starts to convulse involuntary. Her facial muscles, particularly her lips, stretch and she has a peculiar expression in her eyes. Oddly enough, nobody around you even turns his head to look as your friend chokes, trying to take broken, sudden inhalations, while her shoulders jerk and her entire body twists and shakes.Call ... posted on Feb 22 2005, 1,135 reads


Extraordinary Life
... posted on Feb 20 2005, 575 reads


Salt March
On April 5th 1930, after a 241-mile walk that drew thousands of followers, Mahatma Gandhi picked up a small lump of salt from the beach in Dandi, thereby breaking the British salt tax law and symbolically liberating India from the injustices of colonial rule. In March 2005, Tushar Ghandi, Mahatma's great grandson, is planning to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Salt March by reenacting the... posted on Feb 19 2005, 1,262 reads


Cosmic Clown
... posted on Feb 18 2005, 465 reads


The Language of Service
While volunteering at a school for the deaf in Kenya, Kevin Long asked a young girl what she wanted to be when she grew up. She looked at him with a puzzled expression and responded, "But, I'm deaf." Those words changed Kevin's life, and upon returning to Minnesota in 1997 he started Global Deaf Connection with the vision of providing education and leadership skills to deaf students in developing... posted on Feb 17 2005, 843 reads


Seeds of Change
The premise was pretty simple, maybe obvious: A lot of city kids are living and learning in environments that are failing them. So why not just take them out? Catch them right out of elementary school and move them into dormitories where you can teach them social and life skills. During the day, immerse them in an intensive college-preparatory curriculum comparable to elite boarding schools. Lavis... posted on Feb 16 2005, 2,720 reads


Love's Beginning
... posted on Feb 14 2005, 2,231 reads


Earth's Blessing
... posted on Feb 13 2005, 537 reads


Fruits of Love
With the hullabaloo of the December holidays over, food donations at the Second Harvest Food Bank have dwindled. But one child has stepped forward to provide the fruits of California's winter. Jacob Olian, 8, dreamed up the plan to collect the oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and lemons from people's backyards and give them to the food bank. Jacob typed up a flyer that read “Got Fruit?” and a... posted on Feb 11 2005, 944 reads


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No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein

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