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Project Homeless Connect
Amme Hill had never talked to a homeless person before, never helped out at a soup kitchen. Even though her heart went out to desperate people she saw on the street, she never found an opportunity to turn her compassion into action. That was until she attended Project Homeless Connect, a monthly gathering where hundreds of San Francisco citizen volunteers gather for a day to help city counselors, ... posted on Mar 24 2005, 997 reads


Wonder Welders
The self-styled "wonder welders" of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania were offered technical training in welding by a local businessman in an imaginative scheme which has changed the lives of polio victims who previously had to beg on the streets to live. The welder's artistic collective has built a reputation for designing innovative and unusual metal animal sculptures that has provided these men with pri... posted on Mar 22 2005, 1,854 reads


... posted on Mar 20 2005, 543 reads


... posted on Mar 14 2005, 562 reads


Open Heart
... posted on Mar 13 2005, 650 reads


... posted on Mar 07 2005, 416 reads


The Only You
... posted on Mar 06 2005, 727 reads


Invisible Forces
... posted on Mar 05 2005, 2,275 reads


... posted on Feb 27 2005, 856 reads


From the Heart
On February 14th, hundreds of San Francisco bus operators reacted with surprise and delight as dozens of bicyclists personally delivered 250 handmade Valentine's cards. What was the bicyclists’ motivation? Simply to acknowledge the vital service that bus operators provide.

... posted on Feb 24 2005, 1,423 reads


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Quote Bulletin

To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love.
Thich Nhat Hanh

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