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A Koan
... posted on Apr 10 2005, 646 reads


... posted on Apr 09 2005, 459 reads


... posted on Apr 04 2005, 578 reads


... posted on Apr 03 2005, 446 reads


... posted on Apr 02 2005, 738 reads


Nursing Home
Dr. Bill Thomas is a dynamic gerontologist with the unwavering belief that the nursing-home industry should be about creating spaces and services for living, not dying. His nonprofit company, Eden Alternative, "deinstitutionalizes" dreary facilities by introducing pets, plants, children, and dramatic cultural change to create enlivening environments and eliminate the plagues of loneliness, helples... posted on Mar 30 2005, 1,158 reads


... posted on Mar 29 2005, 1,184 reads


... posted on Mar 28 2005, 812 reads


... posted on Mar 27 2005, 949 reads


In 1966, a group of parents who had children with development disabilities got together in the basement of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Auburn, Calif., to try to figure out a way to help their kids find employment and full integration into their communities. From that humble beginning sprang PRIDE Industries, the nation's largest employer of people with disabilities, with 4,300 workers in 11 sta... posted on Mar 26 2005, 982 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.
Benjamin Disraeli

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