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... posted on Apr 23 2005, 497 reads


The Hunger Project
Despite a food distribution system that can put a can of soda within arms reach of every person, one-fifth of the world's population suffers from chronic hunger and 41,000 of them, mostly children, die each day. Instead of looking to just feed the one-billion hungry mouths with aid, one NGO views those one-billion mouths as hard-working creative people that are an instrumental part of the solution... posted on Apr 22 2005, 1,165 reads


... posted on Apr 20 2005, 602 reads


Surf Aid
Four years ago, physician and surfer Dr. Dave Jenkins chartered a luxury yacht in the Mentawai Islands with one goal in mind: to find perfect waves. What he also found, though, were the Mentawai islanders---mostly women and children-–-suffering and dying from the ravages of malaria and other preventable diseases. In response, Dr. Jenkins establish SurfAid International, a non-profit organization... posted on Apr 19 2005, 857 reads


... posted on Apr 18 2005, 1,370 reads


... posted on Apr 17 2005, 700 reads


Garden Project
In 1992, Catherine Steed launched The Garden Project by convincing local entrepreneur to donate a ½ acre vacant parcel in San Francisco to set up a garden and begin offering former prison inmates an opportunity to work as gardeners. The results have been tremendous, the garden's organic harvest is sold to top Bay Area grocers and restaurants and the recidivism rate for these ex-inmates is half of... posted on Apr 16 2005, 831 reads


The Rural Studio
The Rural Studio is an architecture program started by Samuel Mockbee that sends students to design homes in some of the most poverty-stricken rural backroads of Alabama. Students learn to listen to the needs of the community and develop design solutions with materials and labor from within the community. Their work is elegantly simple, inspiring and reflects the dignity that resides in every hum... posted on Apr 15 2005, 1,177 reads


Invest in Life
Oral Lee Brown made a promise to a group of 23 East Oakland, Calif. first-graders in 1987, “Stay in school, and I’ll send you to college.” The realtor began saving immediately, putting $10,000 per year in a fund from her $40,000 salary. Over the years she tracked their progress, mentored them, took them on recruiting trips to colleges, attended their high school graduations, and sent 19 of t... posted on Apr 14 2005, 1,905 reads


A Talisman
... posted on Apr 11 2005, 868 reads


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All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.
Martin Buber

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