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... posted on May 08 2005, 439 reads


Women Build
Women Build is a partnership of Habitat for Humanity and the Lowe's chain of home improvement stores that has built 650 home so far. This year’s partnership will kick-off around Mother’s Day in 15 US cities and will give women a chance to help needy families. ... posted on May 06 2005, 790 reads


Clean Water World
The seed was planted in Peter Thum’s mind on a working trip to South Africa as he witnessed the suffering of children lacking access to safe drinking water. Inspired, Peter left his cushy job at McKinsey to launch Ethos Water with his friend Jonathan Greenblatt. The social venture donates the profits from the sale of its bottled water toward humanitarian water projects around the world. ... posted on May 05 2005, 1,440 reads


The Good Fight
... posted on May 04 2005, 845 reads


Music for the People
Rita Simo left an impoverished upbringing in the Dominican Republic for the Juilliard School, became a concert pianist, and then a nun. In 1976, acting on her belief that classical music instruction should be available to everyone regardless of economic class, she opened the People's Music School in 1976. The school, in Chicago's gritty Uptown neighborhood, provides tuition-free music instructio... posted on May 03 2005, 1,199 reads


Paulo Freire
... posted on May 02 2005, 2,405 reads


... posted on May 01 2005, 481 reads


Out of the Rat Race
For years, Mark Albion ran at the head of the rat pack. He earned three degrees and an appointment at Harvard University, he was regularly sought by the best and the brightest companies for advice, he had brilliant colleagues, unlimited resources, few bosses, a flexible work schedule, and personal wealth. He was also miserable because he felt his work didn't enrich the lives of others. After witne... posted on Apr 28 2005, 2,329 reads


... posted on Apr 25 2005, 521 reads


... posted on Apr 24 2005, 2,093 reads


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Power is within us all. Anything can be overcome by going within.
Wim Hof

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