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Now I Become Myself
... posted on May 25 2005, 1,155 reads


... posted on May 23 2005, 482 reads


... posted on May 22 2005, 662 reads


After a massive oil spill polluted San Francisco Bay in 1971, Francis gave up all motorized transportation. For 22 years, he walked everywhere he went --Soon after, he gave up speaking. For 17 years, he communicated only through improvised sign language, notes, and his ever-present banjo.... posted on May 21 2005, 1,060 reads


... posted on May 17 2005, 437 reads


... posted on May 16 2005, 490 reads


... posted on May 15 2005, 1,999 reads


Green Empowerment
They’ve trekked days through South American jungles with packing mules, made dodgy border crossings to war-torn Burma, and were one of the first groups in Afghanistan after 9/11, all to bring renewable electricity and water services to remote communities. Green Empowerment’s projects can drastically improve the life of a village by sparking a local economy that provides livelihood, financial i... posted on May 14 2005, 2,393 reads


Kissing Joy
... posted on May 10 2005, 1,087 reads


Mother's Day
... posted on May 09 2005, 508 reads


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Quote Bulletin

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.
W.B. Yeats

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