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Freedom in Forgiveness
... posted on Jun 14 2005, 802 reads


... posted on Jun 13 2005, 525 reads


Keeping Quiet
... posted on Jun 12 2005, 1,205 reads


Unexpected Compassion
A college student whose younger sister was murdered more than a decade ago was presented Tuesday with a scholarship from an unlikely source -- death row inmates from around the country.... posted on Jun 10 2005, 1,080 reads


Begin Now
... posted on Jun 05 2005, 725 reads


... posted on May 31 2005, 503 reads


... posted on May 30 2005, 569 reads


... posted on May 29 2005, 513 reads


La Vida Robot
When Oscar Vazquez, Chritian Arcega, Lorenzo Santillan, and Luis Aranda, four high school students from the mean streets of West Pheonix, entered their scrappy creation “Stinky” into the underwater robotics competition, they were almost laughed out of the water. However with the will of an underdog, a lot of chutzpah, and the support of two teachers the team beat out M.I.T. to take home first... posted on May 28 2005, 1,092 reads


One Giant Leap
Grammy winning artists Jamie Catto and Duncan Bridgeman were equipped solely with a digital video camera, a laptop and a vision - to capture and weave together a unique fusion of sound, image and spoken word from some of the world's most happening musicians, authors, scientists and thinkers and to explore 'The Unity in the Diversity'. The result is 1 Giant Leap, an extraordinary movie that capture... posted on May 27 2005, 949 reads


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He who is greatest among you shall be your servant.
Matthew 23:11

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