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The Way Knows the Way
"When I was growing up, my mama made up songs for everything. Potty training? Sing about it. Your hearts deepest longing? In song. I learned: like birds, we sing. Simple plain, because were alive. For me Song is a protection mantle, a wise friend, a presence meditation, a comic relief. Song anchors us in our breathing bodies, resonant chambers. Song lives in the crosshairs of Right Here + ... posted on Sep 28 2022, 6,019 reads


5 Questions on Your Relationship to Time
Oliver Burkeman's book, "Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, is all about how and why to reevaluate your relationship with time -- starting with the startling brevity of the average human life span, which gave the book its title. Burkeman doesn't pull any punches from there. To help guide us weary time travelers, Burkeman's book poses five questions to help you reconsider your relati... posted on Sep 27 2022, 3,217 reads


Ama Torrance: Without a Recipe
"I'm not a traditionalist. I don't really stick with the rules of anything. I can't follow a recipe in a recipe book. I have to do it my way. So I get the basic tenets of how things work, you know. If you want to make banana bread you look at a bunch of recipes and figure out how everything works together and then you make it however you want to make it." Richard Whittaker's curiosity was piqued w... posted on Sep 26 2022, 1,419 reads


Peace Pilgrim: A Life of Service
"On January 1, 1953, at age 44, Mildred Lisette Norman changed her name to Peace Pilgrim, put
on a pair of canvas sneakers, donned dark blue slacks, blouse, and a tunic--on which she had
sown her new name--and set out to walk the length of the country leaving from Pasadena, CA...She would walk non-stop for the next 28 years, weaving back and forth across the country, and
makin... posted on Sep 25 2022, 2,351 reads


The Greatest Nature Essay Ever
"The Greatest Nature Essay ever would begin with an image so startling and lovely and wondrous that you would stop riffling through the rest of the mail, take your jacket off, sit down at the table, adjust your spectacles, tell the dog to lie down, tell the kids to make their own sandwiches for heavenssake, thats why god gave you hands, and read straight through the piece, marveling that you had i... posted on Sep 24 2022, 3,082 reads


We the People
Through hopeful lyrics and joyous dance, Nimo Patel and Ellie Walton's "We the People" video is a call to unity, togetherness and equality. It reminds us that if we learn to love, if we learn to listen, the good will indeed come someday. Sing along and let your spirit be lifted.... posted on Sep 23 2022, 1,794 reads


A Culture of Simplicity
"Wabi sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. Wabi-sabi is a nature-based aesthetic paradigm that restores a measure of sanity and proportion to the art of living. Wabi-sabi -- deep, multi-dimensional, elusive -- is the perfect antidote to the pervasively slick, saccharine, corporate style of beauty." More in this short excerpt ... posted on Sep 22 2022, 2,246 reads


Stretch Your Heart and Say What You Mean
"Join Sounds True's Tami Simon in conversation with author and teacher Oren Jay Sofer, as he shares his innovative method for productive discourse and authentic connection. In Stretch Your Heart and Say What You Mean, Tami and Oren explore how contemplative practice is an essential ingredient for healthy conversations and relationships, and vice versa; three foundations for mindful communication; ... posted on Sep 21 2022, 3,544 reads


Healing Wealth In The Time Of Collapse
"Post capitalist philanthropy is a paradox in terms. A paradox is the appropriate starting place for the complex, entangled, messy context we find ourselves in as a species...There is a sheer irony in the act of arbitrarily giving away relatively small portions of money (compared to wealth holdings) derived from an unjust, extractive system within a philanthropic framework that enables tax-free, p... posted on Sep 20 2022, 4,787 reads


Mary Reynolds: The Garden Awakening
Mary Reynolds has designed award-winning gardens and landscapes across the globe. She is a nature activist and reformed landscape designer, because, in her words, "Everything must change. Including me." Her book, The Garden Awakening: Designs to Nurture Our Lands and Ourselves, is"a step-by-step manual to creating a garden in harmony with the life force in the earth, addressing not only what the p... posted on Sep 19 2022, 6,745 reads


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The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor.
Bill O'Brien

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