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Give All
... posted on Jun 24 2005, 621 reads


Friendship among Women
Up until recently is was generally believed that when people experienced stress, it triggered a hormonal cascade that sent the body into a flight or fight response. However a UCLA study now suggests that women respond to stress differently than men, with a calming release of the hormone oxytocin that causes them to make and maintain friendships with other women. Oxytocin release in the brain has ... posted on Jun 23 2005, 2,327 reads


Service as Retirement
A recent survey of American baby boomers found that over half are interested in using their retirement to work in jobs that help improve the quality of life in their communities.... posted on Jun 22 2005, 2,295 reads


Educational Entrepreneur
Five years ago, Teddy Blecher started a university with no resources other than sending out letters of invitation from his fax machine to 350 schools asking the brightest and poorest students to apply to the new university – promising them the “best business education in Africa”. After beginning with a borrowed building, a handful of business collogues for teachers, and photocopies of keyboa... posted on Jun 21 2005, 1,285 reads


Father's Day
... posted on Jun 20 2005, 601 reads


... posted on Jun 19 2005, 656 reads


This we have now
... posted on Jun 18 2005, 982 reads


Blue Perfection
... posted on Jun 17 2005, 629 reads


One-Pointed Focus
While most of us have the attention span of a gnat, automatically fluctuating from one object to the next every few seconds, scientists have shown that monks can focus their attention on one object for up to 12 minutes. This research indicates that meditation can provide long-term benefits by providing a practitioner some control in how they direct their attention. ... posted on Jun 16 2005, 1,189 reads


The Illiterate Surgeon
Fistula is a horrible condition that afflicts many African woman with uteruses that have been badly damaged by a trauma in the birthing process, often leaving them shunned by their husbands and communities. Mamitu Gash is one of the leading fistula surgeons in the world, having treated thousands of patients and trained hundreds of doctors. She is also illiterate. ... posted on Jun 15 2005, 1,514 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Whether we live in poverty or prosperity, we can still live generously.
Dillon Burroughs

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