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One Shot
... posted on Jul 11 2005, 511 reads


... posted on Jul 10 2005, 472 reads


Parrots of Telegraph Hill
The Parrots of Telegraph Hill dance, play, and sing with Mark Bittner, eating right out of his hands. The former musician is a modern St. Francis of Assisi and his relationship with and observations of the cherry-headed conures of San Francisco have attracted the attention of experts and inspired people worldwide. ... posted on Jul 07 2005, 1,132 reads


... posted on Jul 04 2005, 537 reads


... posted on Jul 03 2005, 379 reads


Song Bird
Researchers have discovered one of the most sophisticated signaling systems among animals for warning of danger — alarm calls that can describe the kind of predator and even its size. The black-capped chickadees warn birds of the same feather with information-packed calls. ... posted on Jun 30 2005, 1,204 reads


... posted on Jun 29 2005, 470 reads


... posted on Jun 27 2005, 701 reads


Love & Ego
... posted on Jun 26 2005, 1,055 reads


... posted on Jun 25 2005, 623 reads


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Quote Bulletin

The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world.
Paul Farmer

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