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... posted on Jul 25 2005, 1,464 reads


... posted on Jul 24 2005, 484 reads


Grand Challenges
Who would ask experts to list the top 14 challenges that, if solved, would advance the prevention and treatment of diseases that affect the 2 billion poorest people on earth, then ask the world’s best scientists to develop solutions to those challenges, then fund 43 of those solutions with half a billion dollars? The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations’ Grand Challenges in Global Health. ... posted on Jul 23 2005, 2,364 reads


What will the cities of the future look like? Sustainable architect William McDonough has a vision of cities as a place to love all species for all time. Dubbed the Next City, they will be designed from the molecule up to be ecologically intelligent and socially just. It's not just an unreachable eco-topia, China has commissioned him to design seven entirely new cities.... posted on Jul 21 2005, 1,214 reads


The bureaucracy of traditional aid organizations like the USAID has lead to the funding of ineffective projects because there is little feedback from recipients. Tired of failed projects, Mari Kuraishi and Dennis Whittle, former World Bank strategists, created an “E-Bay” style foreign aid marketplace in which individual donors can chose projects to fund directly. The website also tracks the pr... posted on Jul 20 2005, 1,721 reads


MBA in Meditation
In juvenile halls, high schools, and group homes, the Mind Body Awareness Project works with at-risk teenagers whose habitual behaviors are leading them down a road of substance abuse, crime and violence. Using meditation and yoga, these kids are creating the possibility to transform negative emotions into positive social action and a healthy future.... posted on Jul 19 2005, 864 reads


Work Together
... posted on Jul 18 2005, 1,110 reads


... posted on Jul 17 2005, 502 reads


The Support Economy
Shoshana Zuboff, a professor at Harvard Business School, argues that consumers today want more than cheap goods and derisory customer service, instead, they are crying out for organisations that can be trusted to act on their behalf and help them to navigate the complexities of modern life. Dubbed the support economy, these organizations could be trusted to act as personal assistants by assuming r... posted on Jul 15 2005, 1,328 reads


The Abolitionist
Kailash Satyarthi has saved tens of thousands of lives in India. At the age of 26 he gave up a promising career as an electrical engineer and dedicate himself to an original and daring idea; mounting raids on factories — factories frequently manned by armed guards — where children and often entire families were held captive as bonded workers. After successfully freeing and rehabilitating thous... posted on Jul 14 2005, 788 reads


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The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.
Dorothea Lange

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