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US Dream Academy
Twenty years ago, when a friend brought him to perform at a prison, singer Wintley Phipps was alarmed by the number of African American inmates. When he realized that nearly 70% of children of prisoners will become prisoners themselves and 80% of prisoners were high school drop-outs, he knew had to do something. So with the motto, "a child with a dream is a child with a future" he created the US D... posted on Aug 20 2005, 983 reads


... posted on Aug 15 2005, 519 reads


... posted on Aug 14 2005, 574 reads


Prison of Fear
... posted on Aug 08 2005, 572 reads


Wild Geese
... posted on Aug 07 2005, 1,142 reads


Mosaic Music
Rick Sperling started the Mosaic Youth Theatre in 1992 to offer young people 12 to 18 years-old free training in theatre, vocal music and stage craft. The theatre delivers opportunity, with less than half of Detroit's high school students finishing school, more than 95 percent of the kids who perform with the Mosaic Youth Theatre end up in college.... posted on Aug 04 2005, 1,223 reads


Collective Good
As of 2004, more than 600 million cell phones were waiting to be recycled. These phones contain toxic elements like Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic which will pollue air and water supplies if they enter the waste stream.... posted on Aug 02 2005, 680 reads


A Stand for Humanity
... posted on Aug 01 2005, 576 reads


... posted on Jul 31 2005, 500 reads


Urban Reinspiration
J.L. Hooymayers and his neighbors worried that their Rotterdam inner city neighborhood was going to the dogs. Everyone complained most about how the litter wasn’t being picked up, blaming the city government. Hooymayers, however, had a different approach to fixing the problems: he started to clean up the mess himself.... posted on Jul 30 2005, 1,249 reads


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As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.
Andrew Carnegie

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