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Your Garden
... posted on Sep 05 2005, 983 reads


... posted on Sep 04 2005, 1,438 reads


Community Healing
Craigslist, the famous internet classified, has turned into a place where people are offering help and prayers to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The 'free' and 'volunteer' sections of the New Orleans page on Craigslist are filling up with postings like 'God bless you all,' 'Free housing in Austin Texas for victims' and 'Will make any long distance calls to help you.'... posted on Sep 02 2005, 1,612 reads


The Artist Within
Akiane Kramarik, a nine-year-old from a small town in Idaho, is drawing raves for her artwork. At the age of six, this painting prodigy was introduced to pastels, and she's been at the easel ever since. To date, she's completed 40 paintings, some of which have sold for as much as $25,000!... posted on Aug 30 2005, 1,681 reads


The Pain
... posted on Aug 29 2005, 421 reads


Quality's Reach
... posted on Aug 28 2005, 463 reads


Holistic Health
Can a pulled hamstring be caused by a skewed jaw? Can gum disease increase the risk of a heart attack? Absolutely, according to a new crop of dentists that are breaking away from the traditional view that the health of the teeth is somehow separate from the health of the body. Holistic dentistry, one of the fastest-growing health-care fields, treats the mouth in relation person's physical and psyc... posted on Aug 27 2005, 1,246 reads


The BBC series Tales from the Green Valley follows historians and archaeologists for a year as they recreate Welsh farm life from the 17th Century. One of the most lessons learned from the experiment that is applicable to modern life was, know your neighbor. The more your willing to help others the more they would be prepared to help you in times of need. ... posted on Aug 23 2005, 1,270 reads


... posted on Aug 22 2005, 449 reads


... posted on Aug 21 2005, 469 reads


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As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.
Mary Anne Radmacher

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