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Common Ground
Common Ground, a health clinic in Algiers New Orleans, that has grown from the compassion of strangers determined to help a community largely overlooked in Katrina's wake, is putting down roots. Responding to activist and founder Maluque Rahim's call for help, people with medical skills from all over the country have responded which means Algeirs residents no longer have to travel far to see a d... posted on Sep 23 2005, 1,242 reads


Brought from Denmark, the concept of co-housing is growing increasingly popular to people who want to live together with a common purpose, working cooperatively to create a lifestyle that reflects their shared core values. Co-housing is collaborative designed housing characterized by private dwellings with extensive common facilities, such as a "common house" where neighbors might share a meal dai... posted on Sep 22 2005, 1,531 reads


Born to Run
Budhia Singh of Bhubaneswar India runs seven hours at a stretch, sometimes as much as 30 miles on a daily basis. Not bad, for a three and a half years old boy. ... posted on Sep 21 2005, 1,861 reads


Locks of Love
After witnessing her own child's hardships with hair loss due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, Madonna Coffman started Locks of Love. The non-profit collects donated hair, manufacturers them into hairpieces, and distributes them to financially disadvantaged children. The protheses provide help restore self-esteem, enabling the children to face the world and their peers. ... posted on Sep 20 2005, 1,239 reads


... posted on Sep 19 2005, 1,087 reads


... posted on Sep 18 2005, 489 reads


... posted on Sep 12 2005, 446 reads


... posted on Sep 11 2005, 467 reads


Service Vacation
Bud Philbrook and Michele Gran opted out of a honeymoon cruise to spend a week in a rural village in Guatemala. After the local newspaper wrote a story about their unusual honeymoon, people started contacting them asking how they could plan a similar trip. In response they established Global Volunteers to provide people with an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children around the g... posted on Sep 09 2005, 2,615 reads


Natural Painkiller
Instead of popping pills to cure your next body ache, try olive oil instead. The active ingredient - found in greater concentrations in fresher olives - is called oleocanthal and inhibits the activity of enzymes involved in inflammation in the same way as ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs.... posted on Sep 07 2005, 1,346 reads


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Quote Bulletin

We have enough stuff in the world -- it's just not in the right places.
Becky Morrison

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