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... posted on Oct 07 2005, 601 reads


Peace in a Time of War
The border between the nuclear powers of Pakistan and India not only cuts across the land, but also fills its people's hearts with fear of war and armageddon. On Sept 27th, the BBC attempted to transcend that border with technology and music in a live concert for peace linking Karachi & Bombay. The live satellite link allowed Pakistan's legendary singer Abida Parveen to sing with her Indian counte... posted on Oct 06 2005, 1,294 reads


One World Youth Project
What if globalization was more than access to fast food and bad television? One World Youth Project is the globalization of compassion among the world's youth. The non-profit pairs elementary schools from places as different as Mongolia and New Orleans in a sister school network. So powerful are the connections that when Hurricane Katrina destroyed the New Orleans school, their sister school in Mo... posted on Oct 05 2005, 1,015 reads


... posted on Oct 02 2005, 369 reads


... posted on Oct 01 2005, 1,951 reads


Operation Katrina
Hurricane Katrina not only ripped apart houses, but families as well and there are still hundreds of people missing. Operation Connect Katrina is an online service that provides lists of the missing that anyone can download and conduct searches to find and reunite the missing with their friends and families. So far 124 missing people have been found through efforts of Operation Connect Katrina's d... posted on Sep 30 2005, 1,300 reads


Good News
Are you tired of media channels pumping news of what is going terribly wrong in our world? Tap into for some positive news stories, and see how it changes your outlook. ... posted on Sep 29 2005, 1,780 reads


Gandhi of Sri Lanka
In the spirit of Martin Luther King, he has led peace marches and meditations with millions of poor people. In the mold of Mahatma Gandhi, he has quieted angry masses through his personal example. Like the Dalai Lama, he has an impressive ability to rally ordinary citizens to see the spiritual wisdom of looking beyond their own salvation to help ensure the salvation of others. He is Dr. A.T. Ariy... posted on Sep 28 2005, 1,101 reads


... posted on Sep 25 2005, 492 reads


... posted on Sep 24 2005, 444 reads


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I have found that Centering, like clay,...bears the future within it.
M.C. Richards

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