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Learning from Trees
Nobel Peace Laureate Whagari Maathai's brilliance is her ability to connect economic development, environment protection, and social justice with the simple act of planting a tree. She has managed to create a sustainable fuel, curtail deforestation and erosion, fight for education, campaign for women's rights, and challenge government corruption by mobilizing thousands of poor woman to plant 30 mi... posted on Oct 25 2005, 1,049 reads


... posted on Oct 23 2005, 932 reads


... posted on Oct 22 2005, 539 reads


Master Farmers
Using stories and pictures, Michael Ableman, author of the new book Fields of Plenty, tells of the most innovative individuals growing food today — master farmers, food artisans, and those using their farms as platforms for social and ecological change. One such farmer is Chicago's Ken Dunn, who leading a movement to bring farming into the urban jungle, turning abandoned lots in poor neighborhoo... posted on Oct 18 2005, 1,000 reads


... posted on Oct 16 2005, 298 reads


... posted on Oct 15 2005, 353 reads


Destined to Happiness
Following a study of 4,000 twins, David Lykken, a professor emeritus in psychology at the University of Minnesota concludes that 50 percent of the satisfaction a person experiences is genetically determined. Genes influence many character traits such as the ability to handle stress. Environmental factors such as income, marital status, religion and education account for only eight percent. And the... posted on Oct 14 2005, 969 reads


Food Force
Not a single bullet is fired and no buildings go up in flames, yet a new computer game is growing in popularity among young people. Food Force, the brainchild of the UN's World Food Programme (WFP), is a dynamic videogame intended to teach kids in the developed world about global hunger.... posted on Oct 13 2005, 1,570 reads


... posted on Oct 09 2005, 1,928 reads


... posted on Oct 08 2005, 710 reads


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Play is the work of the child.
Maria Montessori

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