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... posted on Nov 13 2005, 439 reads


The Opening of Eyes
... posted on Nov 12 2005, 1,153 reads


Common Justice
What could a white Republican farmer from rural Michigan possibly have in common with a black liberal inner-city resident of Detroit? Nothing, until Lynn Henning and Rhonda Andrerson met in the halls of the Michagan statehouse, and found that they were both fighting for environmental justice to prevent big companies from dumping toxins into their respective communities. To build a coalition, Lynn ... posted on Nov 08 2005, 1,041 reads


The Prayer of St Francis
... posted on Nov 06 2005, 1,817 reads


... posted on Nov 05 2005, 385 reads


Service Spirits
"Would you like a party treat?" chirps A'Jenné Williams as she carries around a plate of pretzels artfully topped with peanut butter and jelly from the Red Cross food table. A'Jenné has become the unofficial social director and source of uplift for the roughly 400 people living in a newly built auditorium for Katrina refugees in Slidell Louisiana. The fourth grader washes cars, shines sh... posted on Nov 04 2005, 1,445 reads


... posted on Oct 30 2005, 1,987 reads


... posted on Oct 29 2005, 1,036 reads


Generating Power
After Dannachadh McCarthy addressed his neighbors' mistaken concerns about pets being harmed, the Southwark city council approved a wind turbine for his South London home. These domestic turbine's low cost and easy maintenance, along with the energy independence they provide, will probably make them common fixtures in the urban skyline in the not so distant future. ... posted on Oct 27 2005, 1,075 reads


Legacy of Freedom
While Rosa Parks spent most of her life campaigning for civil rights, it was her famous refusal to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man that led to the rise of an unknown clergyman named Martin Luther King Jr., that moved her entire community to boycott city buses for 13 months, that outlawed the segregation of city buses by the US Supreme Court, that sparked the civil rights movement in ... posted on Oct 26 2005, 1,120 reads


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Quote Bulletin

After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box.
Italian Proverb

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