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... posted on Dec 03 2005, 464 reads


Operation Miracle
The brainchild of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Cuban President Fidel Castro, Operation Miracle is an extraordinary humanitarian programme that offers free treatment to an estimated 4.5 million people suffering from eye-afflictions in Latin America and the Caribbean region over a ten-year period.... posted on Dec 02 2005, 1,384 reads


Some truths on rumors: When somebody is anxious or uncertain they're more prone to spread a rumor. Also, negative rumors get passed more easily than positive... posted on Nov 29 2005, 1,117 reads


... posted on Nov 27 2005, 551 reads


... posted on Nov 26 2005, 394 reads


How did the backwater town of Curitiba Brazil become a model for city planning? Much of it started with the vision and daring of its young architect mayor in the 1970's, Jaime Lerner.

When Curitiba's central street, Rua Quinze-was scheduled to be obliterated with an overpass, Lerner insisted instead that it should become a pedestrian mall, however there was no real way to convince ... posted on Nov 25 2005, 981 reads


Cerebral Calasthenics
Research suggests that meditation may slow brain deterioration related to aging. The recent study of 20 lay people revealed that the cerebral cortex, the brain region associated with decision making, memory, and brain-body interactions, was thicker in the sample group that meditated. ... posted on Nov 22 2005, 2,852 reads


... posted on Nov 21 2005, 1,037 reads


... posted on Nov 20 2005, 1,145 reads


One Laptop for Every Child
The UN revealed a prototype for the $100 laptop for children in impoverished countries. Dubbed the "Green Machine", the lime green laptops are powered with a wind-up crank, have very low power consumption and will let children interact with each other while learning.... posted on Nov 19 2005, 2,537 reads


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In order to learn the art of dying , one must know completely -- the art of living.
S. N. Goenka

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