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In the Mind of a Whale
"On September 12, 2015, Tom Mustill and a friend were on a guided kayak tour in Monterey Bay, off the coast of California. There was so much food in the rich waters of the bay that whales were engaged in an unprecedented feeding frenzy. As kayaks and boats shared the water with the whales, a humpback breached and came down on the two friends. They survived, but the episode sent Mustill--a biologis... posted on Oct 08 2022, 2,603 reads


"Treeline," filmed in three extraordinary forest landscapes across Japan, British Columbia and Nevada, asks us to question: what is a tree? What is our connection to our oldest living companions? When we take the time to really look, to really experience and to really open ourselves to these questions, we begin to realize the great mystery of trees. Giant in scale to other plants, they have a life... posted on Oct 07 2022, 2,144 reads


A Country Called Childhood
"Every generation of children instinctively nests itself in nature, no matter how tiny a scrap of it they can grasp. In a tale of one city child, the poet Audre Lorde remembers picking tufts of grass which crept up through the cracks in paving stones in New York City and giving them as bouquets to her mother. It is a tale of two necessities. The grass must grow, no matter the concrete suppressing ... posted on Oct 06 2022, 1,760 reads


I See You! I Am Here!


"For centuries, African Bushmen have greeted each other in this way. When one becomes aware of his brother or sister coming out of the brush, he exclaims, 'I See You!' and then the one approaching rejoices, 'I Am Here!'" Mark Nepo shares more in this beautiful excerpt from, "The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to... posted on Oct 05 2022, 5,004 reads


Golden: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise
In their new book, 'Golden: The Power of Silence in a Noisy World,' Justin Zorn and Leigh Marz explore the meaning of silence in a wide range of contexts--from the West Wing of the White House to San Quentin's death row; from Ivy League brain research laboratories to underground psychedelic circles; from the temperate rainforests of Olympic National Park to the main stage at a heavy metal festival... posted on Oct 04 2022, 3,317 reads


Elderhood: The Post-Heroic Journey
In her book 'If Women Rose Rooted,' author Sharon Blackie explores what she calls an'Eco-Heroine's Journey.' She describes this as, "a path to understanding how deeply enmeshed we are in the web of life on this planet. In many ways, it is an antidote to the swashbuckling action-adventure that is the Hero's Journey, with its rather grandiose focus on saving the world....This path forces us first to... posted on Oct 03 2022, 2,323 reads


The Myth of Normal
"The Myth of Normal--written with the help of Gabor Mates son, Daniel--prescribes a more authentic self that breaks free of the world's expectations of us, offers a path to happiness, and also promises to alleviate physical ailments, because, as Mate reminds us, the mind and body are not separate. The former physician, now approaching 80, has spent decades exploring these connections, first in his... posted on Oct 02 2022, 6,276 reads


What Is Wanting to Find Expression Through You?
"I've learned the hard way, there's something in us that always knows what's right for us. And I can say quite literally, if I need to decide what is appropriate for me in any life situation, ranging from practical problems to large questions of life, I sort of put it inside and wait for an answer. And it always comes back to me I've imagined a bunch of little folks running around inside the solar... posted on Oct 01 2022, 4,538 reads


Widening Circles: An Interview with Joanna Macy
"In this interview, Buddhist eco-philosopher and author Joanna Macy discusses her life and work. From her anti-nuclear activism in the late 60s to her work with deep ecology, Joanna expresses the need to live within an ethic of care for the earth."... posted on Sep 30 2022, 1,875 reads


Tsunamika: The Little Doll Changing the World
"Fashion designer Uma Prajapati was sifting through emails at her office desk one sun-streaked afternoon in 2005, when a particular note caught her eye. It was from a young woman in Mumbai, India, who described her struggles with depression. At her lowest, she'd decided to end her life. The letter writer explained that as she was leaving her office for the last time, her eyes fell on a small scrap... posted on Sep 29 2022, 2,180 reads


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If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.
Margaret Fuller

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