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Birth Pains
... posted on Dec 25 2005, 723 reads


... posted on Dec 24 2005, 1,355 reads


Nothing for Granted
... posted on Dec 23 2005, 551 reads


... posted on Dec 18 2005, 458 reads


Harvest of Love
When tragedy hit the family of farmer Richard Winger in the small town in Indiana, the community wasted no time in extending a helping hand. On a mid-October morning, as the Wingers worried about how they would get the 700 acres of their fall crop harvested, 40 neighbors showed up with their combines, trucks and grain carts to bring 87 semi-tractor trailer loads of corn to market.... posted on Dec 14 2005, 1,095 reads


Great Weakness
... posted on Dec 12 2005, 537 reads


... posted on Dec 11 2005, 500 reads


Of Mere Being
... posted on Dec 10 2005, 510 reads


One Earth
Outdoor company Patagonia has launched the world's first garment recycling program. Customers can return Patagonia's Capilene long underwear product to be recycled into new garments. ... posted on Dec 07 2005, 3,508 reads


The Same as Gold
... posted on Dec 04 2005, 769 reads


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