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The Global Plan
Tuberculosis is a tragedy, it kills someone every 15 seconds, it has been declared an emergency in 46 African countries, and it is preventable. The Global Plan is an initiative that seeks to completely halt the spread of TB and treat 50 million people by 2015. Four hundred organizations worldwide have backed the plan, including Bill Gates who donated $600 million. ... posted on Feb 07 2006, 1,354 reads


Volunteer Boom
Baby boomers, Americans who were born from 1946 to 1964, have the potential to be one of the most powerful volunteer forces the world has ever seen. This 70 million person cohort, that begins turning 60 this year, are better educated and are expected to live longer than any other generation before them. The Harvard School for Public Health is one of many institutions that are launching campaigns ... posted on Jan 26 2006, 1,096 reads


The Long Bet
Wanna bet that by 2050 we will receive intelligent signals from outside our solar system? How about that by the year 2020, tickets for space travel - at least to Moon, will be available over the counter? Designed to foster long-term thinking, and as a forum for focussed discussion, Long Bets is a website that you can make long-term socially significant predictions and place wagers on them. The w... posted on Jan 21 2006, 1,289 reads


... posted on Jan 07 2006, 1,106 reads


New Year
... posted on Jan 01 2006, 498 reads


... posted on Dec 31 2005, 2,123 reads


Helping The Children Left Behind
While mentoring and inspiring elementary kids in a low income neighborhood of Roxbury, Massachusetts, Harvard Law student Earl Phalen learned the hard truth about how far behind these kids were academically. Out of his living room he set out to change that by launching BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life), a rigorous after-school program that now serves 7,000 kids in four cities. The results,... posted on Dec 30 2005, 1,062 reads


Heart of the Matter
The heart produces an electric field 60 times stronger than that produced by the brain, and it's electromagnetic field is 5000 stronger than the field generated by the brain. This is why the quality of the variation of the heart beat can also subtly influence people who are in our proximity. ... posted on Dec 29 2005, 1,817 reads


One-half of the world's population lives in countries that have multi-party electoral systems that respect basic human rights; that's the highest level in history. More than 80 countries in Central Europe, East Asia, Latin America and parts of sub-Saharan Africa have all notched gains in political and civil rights and more than 30 military dictatorships have been replaced by civilian governments.... posted on Dec 28 2005, 1,125 reads


Tsunami Service
This time last year, Andy Brash had just finished his carpentry apprenticeship in Scotland, Patricia Byron was living in south London with the youngest of her eight children and Aaron Sangster was backpacking in Australia. But that was before the tsunami. Now all three are living in Thailand, each giving what they can to rebuild the devastated resort town of Khao Lak.... posted on Dec 26 2005, 1,510 reads


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The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have.
Leonard Nimoy

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