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300 Stories From an Eight Year Old
Adora Svitak loves to read and write. Over the past 18 months she has had a 296-page book published and written 400 short stories and nearly 100 poems. Typing at 80 words a minute, she has produced 370,000 words while reading up to three books a day. The last novel she finished was Voltaire's Candide. And her greatest ambition? To get a Nobel prize in Literature and Peace. Not bad for an eight-ye... posted on Apr 06 2006, 1,995 reads


Found Art
You are finishing up your usual overpriced latte in your local java joint when you notice it at the next table -- a tiny sculpted wall plaque leaning against the sugar caddy. You look around, wondering whether someone forgot it. It has a sticker on it saying "Found Art!" with a Web address. Suddenly, it clicks: You've just found a free piece of art and an invitation to join a growing global art pr... posted on Apr 03 2006, 1,958 reads


Bread For My Neighbor
Ten years ago, at the age of twelve, Craig Kielburger gathered a handful of his friends over pizza to discuss a newspaper article about a young boy in Pakistan who was sold to a carpet weaver at the age of four. He wanted to figure out how they could help. Their brainstorming session gave rise to what is today the largest network of children helping children in the world. Today the youth volunteer... posted on Apr 01 2006, 1,365 reads


Interrelated Structures of Reality
Cameron Sinclair is co-founder of Architecture for Humanity, a non-profit that seeks architecture solutions to humanitarian crises and brings design services to communities in need. For the last six years his team has initiated and implemented many programs including housing ideas for returning refugees in Kosovo; mobile health clinics to combat HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa; and mine clearance p... posted on Mar 28 2006, 1,022 reads


Helping Ourselves, Healing Ourselves
Each year, Interplast, a US based nonprofit, sends a steady stream of expert surgical teams and medical supplies to developing countries all over the world, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Vietnam. The teams of volunteer surgeons spend two weeks at each location, performing as many free operations as time permits. By correcting disfigurements resulting from conditions such as cleft lip... posted on Mar 26 2006, 1,009 reads


Small Clicks with Great Love
What if you could have money donated to good causes every time you searched the internet? Welcome,, a Yahoo-powered search engine that has developed a way to track and redirect a portion of its proceeds so that with each search, 50 percent of the revenue generated by advertisers goes to the school or charity selected by the user.... posted on Mar 22 2006, 1,719 reads


Begging For Change
Does the money you give to charity really make a difference? Are all those dollars pouring in really helping? Why are there still so many homeless, hungry, drug-addicted, unemployed Americans? In 1989, frustrated by those nagging questions, Robert Egger gave up his dream to start a night club and launched the D.C. Central Kitchen in Washington. It collects food from local restaurants, caterers, a... posted on Mar 21 2006, 1,785 reads


World's Largest Love Letter
The World’s Largest Love Letter, soon to be delivered from children in India to children in Pakistan, started as few projects do: for visa renewal! Two Americans visiting India needed to make a quick trip outside of India to renew their visas; how wonderful, they thought, if they could arrive in Pakistan carrying armloads of friendship letters – from children, to children. So they began riding... posted on Mar 19 2006, 2,759 reads


Heart of Gold
For Olympic speed skater Joey Cheek, it was a magical moment — winning a gold medal — that turned into something even more meaningful. "After years of other people sacrificing so that I can be the best in the world, I feel that it is imperative to give something to someone who's less fortunate than myself." Cheek used his time in the limelight to channel support for kids in war-torn countries... posted on Mar 18 2006, 2,870 reads


Pros Work With Cons
When she chanced upon a tour of the Texas prison, venture capitalist Catherine Rohr soon discovered a surprising pool of entrepreneurial talent right there in the prison. Chucking her VC job, she started the Prison Entrepreneurship Program that uses Fortune 500-type business executives as volunteer mentors, harnesses the entrepreneurial skills inmates had demonstrated while running the successful... posted on Mar 14 2006, 1,421 reads


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When a child is born, so are grandmothers.
Judith Levy

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