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Serving on Philadelphia's Streets
On Dec. 8, 1983, 12-year-old Trevor Ferrell saw a news report explaining that it was a "code-blue" night, meaning it was so cold that Philadelphia’s "street people" were being taken into shelters. "I thought it was one person who was living on the street," says Ferrell, "I wanted to go see this man." So he pestered his dad until he took him into Center City, where he gave one man a blanket and d... posted on Aug 16 2006, 2,485 reads


Writing Emails with your Mind
While no spoons were bent, this was definitely mind over matter. Sitting stone-still under a skullcap fitted with electrodes, American scientist Peter Brunner stares at a computer. Without so much as moving a nostril hair, he suddenly begins to compose a message -- letter by letter -- on a giant screen overhead. Brunner and colleagues from the Wadsworth Center in New York were demonstrating a "bra... posted on Aug 15 2006, 2,983 reads


Imagine: A Run Across America
Imagine: the 100 million disabled people in developing countries, who today must crawl on the ground, suddenly owning a wheelchair. That's the goal of Free Wheelchair Mission, which will benefit from the efforts of William Hibbard, a long time marathon runner, as he undertakes a cross-country trek to raise money to deliver 25,000 wheelchairs worldwide. Titled, "Imagine: A Run Across America", Hib... posted on Aug 12 2006, 1,447 reads


Homeless Man Rewarded By Honesty
Charles Moore stumbled across $21,000 worth of savings bonds while rummaging through a trash can for reusable bottles. The 59-year-old homeless man off the streets of Detroit turned the bonds in at a homeless shelter that then tracked down their rightful owner. Moore was given $100 by the owner for his honesty. But citizens from around the country moved by his integrity have stepped forward to han... posted on Aug 04 2006, 2,486 reads


Solar Powered Trash Cans
It's boxy and green but it's one of 50 solar-powered trash cans installed on the sidewalks of Boston. Equipped with trash compactors, the new receptacles can now hold a lot more trash and are much easier to manage. "Developed by a Jamaica Plain inventor, they are powered by photoelectric panels, which supply power to motor-driven compactors inside. Workers extract neat, 40-pound trash bricks ins... posted on Jul 31 2006, 1,430 reads


Couples Create Charity Registries
Jen Crane and Tom Frohlich are banking on the generosity of friends and family to collect as much money as possible when they get married - but not for selfish reasons. They are encouraging guests to make donations in their honor to their favorite charity. With 2 million annual weddings in the US, and an average price tag of $26,000, more and more couples are looking a bit deeper. "We're trying... posted on Jul 30 2006, 1,393 reads


Journalism for the People
He spends nine months of every year living in the poorest districts of India -- and then writes with a passion about the problems he witnesses first-hand. Award-winning journalist P. Sainath is credited with having fundamentally changed the understanding of poverty in India, and for playing a significant role in redefining it worldwide. Sainath reports on ordinary people struggling against tremend... posted on Jul 25 2006, 1,407 reads


Anonymous Kindness Catches On!
Before Bob Haslam had a chance to thank her, she was gone. In the drive-up lane at a Starbucks in Lynnwood, Haslam reached out for his usual nonfat raspberry latte with two Splendas stirred in, but the barista wouldn't take his money. "She leaned way out and said, 'You're not going to believe this, but the lady ahead of you paid for your latte. She said she wanted to make your day.'" Events like... posted on Jul 20 2006, 2,115 reads


Lost Luggage Capital of the World
Did you ever wonder what happens to lost luggage? Unlikely as it may seem, much of it ends up in the small, sleepy town of Scottsboro, Alabama -- home of the Unclaimed Baggage Center! UBC relieves airlines from having to store unclaimed things after they’ve made every effort to locate the owners. Many of the items are sold at marked-down prices, and many others are simply donated to charity: the... posted on Jul 15 2006, 1,832 reads


Legendary Doctor Passes On
Dr. V(enkataswamy), the legendary eye surgeon from South India, who with his own two hands restored the sight of over 100,000 people, passed away late last week. His work resulted in one of the world's most extraordinary models of service delivery. Thirty years ago, at the age of 58, he started an 11-bed eye clinic in an old temple-city, and with his team, turned Aravind Eye Care System into the l... posted on Jul 10 2006, 2,064 reads


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