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100$ Ripples of Goodness
Pastor Gary Marzolf had a plan, an idea he got from the book "The Kingdom Assignment." On a Sunday last fall, he asked for 50 volunteers from his church in Iowa, to come up to the altar. "They were shocked that I was handing out $100 bills," Marzolf said, "because this is not something the church normally does, to give away money." Members were told to use the money to do something good, then they... posted on Sep 29 2006, 1,765 reads


Advertising for Global Good
Never in the storied history of the Barcelona Football Club (Barca) has the club carried the emblem of a corporate sponsor as the frontispiece of its shirt. Barca has stood almost completely alone in this for over 100 years, until this week, when it joined the ranks of those who advertise. But not in the way one might expect. Barca has unveiled a sponsorship deal with UNICEF, the UN agency founded... posted on Sep 20 2006, 1,562 reads


China: World's Third Largest Food Donor
Is giving a natural extension of receiving? China seems to have an inspiring answer to that question! In 2005, the same year it stopped receiving food aid from the World Food Program, China emerged as the world’s third largest food aid donor. According to the latest annual Food Aid Monitor from INTERFAIS, the International Food Aid Information System, China accounted for more than half of the ri... posted on Sep 14 2006, 2,907 reads


Swirling Cash on Highway 5
A sales representative on the way to a business call made an unscheduled stop in the middle of the highway after noticing the cash swirling around his car. Ted Neitzke got out of his car and began collecting the bills while dodging the traffic, a total of a dozen $20 bills and two $1 bills, $242 in all. Then he called the Kenosha County Sheriff's Department to turn in the money. "I was just hop... posted on Sep 11 2006, 2,099 reads


From Garbage To Gold
Two years ago, Eli Reich was a mechanical engineer consultant for a Seattle wind energy company when his messenger bag was stolen. Reich, who rode his bike to work every day, decided that instead of buying a new one, he would simply fashion another bag out of used bicycle-tire inner tubes that were lying around his house. Soon compliments on his sturdy black handmade messenger bag turned into req... posted on Sep 05 2006, 1,832 reads


Twins Reunite Via the Internet
A pair of 3-year-old twins from China who were adopted separately by American families have found their way into each others' arms. The girls' mothers -- Holly Funk, of suburban Chicago, and Diana Ramirez, of suburban Miami -- met on a Web site for parents who had gone through international adoptions. After a flurry of e-mails comparing photographs and biographical details, DNA testing proved th... posted on Aug 27 2006, 2,513 reads


2 Million Alcohol Cars of Brazil
Brazil's new generation of cars and trucks adapted to run on alcohol has just hit the two-million mark, motor industry figures show. "Flex-fuel" vehicles, which run on any combination of ethanol and petrol, now make up 77% of the Brazilian market. Brazil has pioneered the use of ethanol derived from sugar-cane as motor fuel; it began its Pro-Alcohol programme more than 20 years ago to promote the ... posted on Aug 26 2006, 1,586 reads


The Man Who Transformed Dacoits
It almost sounds like a page out of a storybook. He walks into the deep ravines of India's Chambal Valley to greet notorious gangsters with some sweets and an unflinching presence of compassion. Then one fine day, 654 bandits lay down their weapons in front of a small Gandhi statue and volunteer to go to jail: all in return for a scripture of their choice. Practically everyone would classify thi... posted on Aug 24 2006, 2,286 reads


Prisoners Fast to Aid Starving Kenyans
Tens of thousands of prisoners skipped lunch Sunday to send food to fellow Kenyans affected by food shortages, a senior prison official said. Most of Kenya's estimated 50,000 prisoners gave up their beans and corn porridge on the day that President Mwai Kibaki declared the drought-caused food shortages a national disaster in an effort to speed relief efforts.... posted on Aug 23 2006, 1,468 reads


Man Lifts Car to Save Boy
Tom Boyle and his wife were leaving a shopping center when they saw a young man pinned underneath a car and shrieking for help. "As soon as I get to the car, the boy is just screaming his head off, and I could tell he was in a lot of pain," Boyle said. His fatherly instincts kicked in, and adrenalin rushing, Boyle did the only thing he could do: he lifted the car! "As I was lifting the front end o... posted on Aug 18 2006, 2,097 reads


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