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The Woman Behind The Pink Ribbon
Today, many recognize the pink ribbon as a symbol of the fight against breast cancer. Many will also recognize the last name of the woman behind this symbol. For more than a decade now, Evelyn Lauder (daughter-in-law of cosmetic giant, Estee Lauder) has been dedicated to helping find a cure for breast cancer and raising awareness of the disease. As an executive of the Estee Lauder Companies -- one... posted on Nov 12 2006, 2,856 reads


Beyond the Call
Ed, Jim and Walt are not your average weekend warriors. Ordinary, inconspicuous Americans with wives, careers and hobbies, these three friends and former soldiers realize their deepest passion in life through self-financed humanitarian missions to war zones around the globe. Documentary filmmaker Adrian Belic (Genghis Blues), in the new film "Beyond the Call," tracks these self-styled knights in s... posted on Nov 10 2006, 1,564 reads


Contemporary Tribute To Mandela
February 11th 1990: a dignified elderly man walked out of 27 years in prison and straight into history. Nelson Mandela's immense courage and personal moral authority stood as a beacon of hope first to a bitterly divided nation and then to the whole world. This year, a spectacular new book has been published that includes the peace laureate's prison writings, as well as more than 250 photographs an... posted on Nov 09 2006, 2,153 reads


Oprah's Favorite Giveaway
Over the years, television's Oprah Winfrey has given away everything from cars and homes to cookies and sweaters on her show. But last week, she gave away a different sort of gift -- the gift of giving. Every member of Oprah's audience received $1,000 and a Sony DVD Handycam, with one catch: the more than 300 audience members were told they had to use the money for a good cause. "You're going to o... posted on Nov 06 2006, 3,683 reads


A Photo Gallery Inspiring Adoption
Photographer Jackie Mathey came up with the unique idea of using her skills to try and capture the spirit of foster children in a way that would inspire people towards adoption. Her work led to the formation of Heart Gallery, an organization dedicated to raising awareness about children in need of families. More than 150 of the country's most prestigious photographers volunteered to take portrait... posted on Oct 31 2006, 1,209 reads


GlobalGiving Olympics
While preparing for the 1980 Olympics, two-time Olympic Pentathlon champion Marilyn King sustained a spinal injury that left her bed-ridden. King was determined not to end her career on her back -- and to finish in the top three at the Olympic trials. Unable to put in the grueling hours of required practice, King spent time watching films of successful pentathletes, visualizing and feeling herself... posted on Oct 28 2006, 1,270 reads


7-year-old Cancer Patient Pays it Forward
Right before 7-year-old Ben Cote was diagnosed with cancer, his dog Polly began sleeping by his side instead of her usual place in his parents room. When the cancer came back, again it was Polly who picked up on the first signs. Ben lost his right eye to the cancer, and is undergoing chemotherapy, but he still managed to find the energy to raise money for a local animal shelter. In his words, Poll... posted on Oct 21 2006, 2,574 reads


From Me Generation to Re-Generation
Retirement years have long been marked by withdrawal, entitlement and the pursuit of leisure. But all that is changing now with a generation that's 60-and-still-raring-to-go. The emerging model embraces personal growth, giving back and continued employment. These hallmarks of the new retirement have the potential to reshape the economy and society to everyone's benefit. The challenge is not, as ma... posted on Oct 20 2006, 1,894 reads


Banker to the Poor Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Muhammad Yunus, famously known as the Banker to the Poor, is this year's Nobel Peace Laureate. The Bangladeshi economist and the revolutionary bank he founded will share the prize. The Grameen Bank provides credit to "the poorest of the poor" in rural Bangladesh, without any collateral. It has 6.6 million borrowers, 97 percent of whom are women, and provides services in more than 70,000 villages i... posted on Oct 14 2006, 2,054 reads


One Million Meditate for Peace
On October 2, 2006, Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, the ancient city of Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka is expected to host 1 million people -- the largest gathering in the country’s history -- in an interfaith meditation for peace called together by the Sarvodaya Movement. According to Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne, founder-president of the Movement, the October 2 event is "an attempt to transform the collective ... posted on Oct 01 2006, 2,145 reads


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I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction.
Albert Einstein

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