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The Land: An Adventure Playground
"The Land, so named by the children who use it, is an adventure playground in North Wales, one of hundreds of such playgrounds in the United Kingdom and Europe. The United States has only around ten adventure playgrounds, which include adult play workers who manage hazards while the children themselves learn to manage their own risks. Children gain a sense of accomplishment and empowerment while h... posted on Oct 28 2022, 1,580 reads


My Real Name: A Conversation with Zoo Cain
"Creating is so natural for me now. I never have a block. I'm on a roll. This started as a little snowball at the top of a hill and rolled into an avalanche--an avalanche of artwork. I'd estimate I've done ten to twelve thousand pieces. I used to keep count. One year I started 725 pieces and completed over 500 of them. [Zoo picks up a circular piece of scrap metal with an open middle, and holds it... posted on Oct 27 2022, 2,189 reads


My Wild-Like Refuge
"My current refuge isn't designated as wilderness or wild or special by anyone but me. It is not tucked away in some far-flung corner of the world where access is granted only to those wearing high-end technical gear or with enough disposable time to wander without any cause other than "wanting to." No, it is a journey of steps measured in feet and minutes, determined by the willingness of the loc... posted on Oct 26 2022, 1,855 reads


The Art of Life: A Documentary
"The Art of Life is a documentary about the art of living outside of conventions, in deep integrity with one's essence. As a rising star in the field of abstract mathematics, Michael Behrens discovered that he could see beauty and pattern where others could not. But his path was not to be inside academia, or even inside society. He went on a grand adventure to unify his Buddhism with his ability t... posted on Oct 25 2022, 3,654 reads


Dear Vaccine: Pandemic Poetry
"A new poetry anthology called Dear Vaccine: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic illuminates how people around the world have experienced COVID-19. Jeffrey Brown sits down with Naomi Shihab Nye, an author, editor and current Young Peoples Poet Laureate, to talk about shaping the book and the outpouring of interest from people who dont necessarily identify as poets."... posted on Oct 24 2022, 1,978 reads


The Re-enchantment of Everyday Life
"In his first two bestsellers, 'Care of the Soul' and 'Soul Mates,' author Thomas Moore dished out a large dose of preventative medicine for the preservation of our individual and collective souls. Moore's later book, 'The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life, leads the tentatively restored soul along the magical path of a charming, gently revisioned everyday reality. His book asks us to view the event... posted on Oct 23 2022, 2,012 reads


Water of Life
"In a landscape where nothing is certain and old patterns of control tighten their grip, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee urges us to leave behind that which no longer nourishes us and work with the Earth toward a living future."... posted on Oct 22 2022, 2,173 reads


The Silent Pulse of the Universe
"Jocelyn Bell was a graduate student at Cambridge in 1967 when she pushed through the skepticism from her superiors to make one of the greatest astrophysical discoveries of the twentieth century. While Jocelyn was belittled and sexually harassed by the media, the Nobel Prize was awarded to her professor and his boss. However, that's only the beginning of the story."... posted on Oct 21 2022, 2,999 reads


Earning It: A Conversation with John Toki
"I visualize the process of making art as going on a long walk for miles and miles and miles and miles, and you get up over the hill--maybe the hill symbolizes the artwork--then you see the beautiful ocean and this sunset. But you have to earn it...Life as an artist is hard work. Young artists often don't understand that it's not until they get out on their own, making art, and starting to dig aro... posted on Oct 20 2022, 1,302 reads


Horse Medicine, Horse Mystery
"Whether we love horses or not, whether we have contact with horses or not, they can teach us a lot about wisdom, love, and beauty. How do we get close to an honest openness to the potential magic of horses? And what does it even mean? The horse as a mirror for the soul and a vehicle for the soul could show us our true nature, and carry us into sacred spaces, initiating us into transformational he... posted on Oct 19 2022, 3,850 reads


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We suffer, ironically, from our indifference to those among us who suffer.
Parker J. Palmer

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