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Top 10 Tips from Gandhi's Words
A 27 year old student from Sweden, Henrik Edberg, shares "Gandhi's top ten fundamentals for changing the world": Change yourself. You are in control. Forgive and let it go. Without action you aren’t going anywhere. Take care of this moment. Everyone is human. Persist. See the good in people and help them. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self. Continue to grow and evolve. The full artic... posted on May 15 2008, 10,410 reads


The Healing Power of Portraits
On the fourth floor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, they're doing cutting-edge research on bladder cancer, the mechanics of cancer stem-cell replication, and the healing power of portraits. That's right, portraits. The aim of the project is for an artist to study the interaction between patients and caregivers and to develop a set of paintings based on observation. The work ... posted on May 13 2008, 2,843 reads


Films For the World, By the World
Over a span of four hours today -- on Saturday, May 10th 2008 -- twenty-four short films made "by the world, for the word" will be broadcast on television and transmitted over the internet and to cell phones everywhere. Welcome to Pangea Day. "In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference and conflict," the event's creators say, "it's easy to lose sight of what we have in common... posted on May 10 2008, 2,194 reads


Being the Change & Singing It
In this lovely and listenable new music video by singer/songwriter Kat Edmonson, intentions are set forth one-by-one, hand-scrawled and held proudly aloft on makeshift cardboard banners. A short-order cook seeks to "include everyone." A young boy whose smile betrays a missing tooth says he'll "make friends with the world." A woman kneels in her garden with a sign saying she'll "support small farms... posted on May 05 2008, 2,852 reads


Where Does Creativity Hide
Born in the US to immigrant parents from China, Amy Tan rejected her mother's expectations that she become a doctor and concert pianist. She chose to write fiction instead. Her much-loved, best-selling novels have been translated into 35 languages. In this TED talk Tan digs deep into the creative process, journeying through her childhood and family history and into the worlds of physics and chance... posted on May 01 2008, 17,101 reads


Kids for Peace
Hana Craft likes to sing, play the piano, and play sports at school. But at just 9 years old, she's also focused on making the world better. "Peace is important to me because when I grow up, I want my kids to live in a safe and kind world," she says. Hana is an original member of Kids for Peace, an organization cofounded by her mom, Jill McManigal, and a local teen who's passionate about promoting... posted on Apr 29 2008, 2,576 reads


If New York City Taps Ran Dry
If New York City's taps went dry, what would its inhabitants do? In this new PSA from charity: water, Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Connelly helps us consider this very possibility as she walks to Central Park to collect dirty water for her family--as do millions of mothers in Africa each day. Directed by Hotel Rwanda's Terry George, the PSA made its national debut on American Idol Gives Back ear... posted on Apr 28 2008, 1,842 reads


Be A Better Leader, Lead a Richer Life
Traditional thinking pits work and the rest of our lives against each other. But taking smart steps to integrate work, home, community, and self will make you a more productive leader and a more fulfilled person. "In my research and coaching work over the past two decades, I have met many people who feel unfulfilled, overwhelmed, or stagnant because they are forsaking performance in one or more as... posted on Apr 23 2008, 3,937 reads


Does Counting Your Blessings Really Help?
While many would agree that "counting your blessings" is a worthwhile practice, there hasn't been much experimental research on whether gratitude really has a positive impact on our lives. Several studies have found that gratitude correlates with positive emotions such as happiness, pride, and hope, but experimental work -- showing that gratitude causes these things -- is scarcer. Robert Emmons an... posted on Apr 21 2008, 3,475 reads


The Mowing Mailman
Iron banisters flank the front steps of Jack's little blue house. Two summers ago, they were covered with vines. To get the mail to the front door, mailman Eric Wills had to fight through a jungle. Wills didn't know much about Jack, except that he was old and seldom got out. For weeks, the mailman struggled through the thicket, frustrated with the man's unkempt grounds. One day, he heard a voice i... posted on Apr 17 2008, 3,116 reads


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Quote Bulletin

You are born alone. You die alone. The value of the space in between is trust and love
Louise Bourgeois

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