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I Am The Other
Born half Bolivian, half Italian and bred in Switzerland, Denise Zabalaga possesses a unique sensitivity towards "otherness" and an ability to transcend many of the projections of fear and mistrust so commonly associated with strangers. Six months after Septemeber 11, her travels as a photographer and photojournalist took her, a lone woman, to territories of the Middle East and Afghanistan normal... posted on Sep 24 2008, 2,540 reads


Adventure Playgrounds
There's an unusual park in Berkeley, California. Looking at it, "playground" probably wouldn't be your first thought. "Junkyard" is more like it. And well, that would be accurate. Berkeley's Adventure Playground is one of a handful of playgrounds in the United States based on a concept that grew in popularity after World War II. During the Nazi occupation of Denmark, the landscape architect C. Th.... posted on Sep 21 2008, 3,517 reads


Father & Son Heroes
The story of Dick and Rick Hoyt is an inspirational love story, based on the philosophy "you can!" Although Rick was born with cerebral palsy, his parents were determined to treat him just like their other boys, despite medical professionals who counseled them otherwise. Consequently, Rick grew up engaging and intelligent; and when he was 12 years old even found his voice with the help of the 'Hop... posted on Sep 20 2008, 2,465 reads


Dirty Car Art
Scott Wade is the Da Vinci of dirt. The artist from Wimberly, Texas loves nothing better than a dirty car. With brushes and other tools, he creates amazingly detailed images in the window dust of his car. The range of tones and detail create the look of charcoal on paper. That is, until it rains. But for Wade, the short life span of his work just adds to its power. This short video shares some of ... posted on Sep 15 2008, 4,207 reads


Play It Forward
Can a computer game inspire its players to do good deeds? A Montreal entrepreneur thinks so. takes the pay-it-forward idea of spreading acts of kindness and gives it a competitive edge: players vie over who is the most benevolent. Players on the website receive a pack of cards through the mail, each with a mission. These can be as simple as making someone smile to giving someone a book ... posted on Sep 12 2008, 3,129 reads


Tell Me Your Story
Dan Gottlieb, the celebrated family therapist and radio show host who has helped thousands of people in difficulty has definitely faced his own challenges. A near fatal accident 29 years ago left him paralyzed chest down -- but it didn't take away his profound connection to others. "It came to me in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago, four words that could change the world: Tell me your... posted on Sep 10 2008, 3,360 reads


Hope In Bloom
During the eight years Kathy Makiver has lived in her Garrison Colonial in Georgetown, she's had good intentions of planting a garden in the large backyard. But with lack of a green thumb and little free time because of a job, husband, and three kids, a garden never materialized -- until a recent Saturday. "This whole thing is a beautiful gift," said Makiver, as she watched family, friends, and vo... posted on Sep 06 2008, 2,022 reads


A Neighbor's Sacrifice
"My Dad's company provided rental accommodations for its employees, usually in multi-level buildings. We were on level 4. For two years, my Dad had been pursuing his application for a ground level house to make the climb easier for my mom who had suffered complications after her second delivery. She was advised bed rest and climbing the stairs everyday was difficult for her. As luck had it, just ... posted on Sep 05 2008, 4,192 reads


The House That Care Built
Sonya Barclay, a mother of four, has terminal cancer ... and a dying wish. She wanted a home for her family. When a popular TV program turned down her plea, her neighbors stepped in... posted on Aug 31 2008, 3,377 reads


Quiet Soldiers of Compassion
In 1971, Baba Amte took his young son Prakash Amte to a fierce, isolated jungle to work with the Madia Gonds a tribal people: 37 years later, the family is still there and running a hospital that treats over 40,000 Madia tribals a year, a residential school and a training program for barefoot doctors. All of this free of charge. It also has an animal orphanage -- affectionately christened Amte's A... posted on Aug 29 2008, 2,318 reads


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