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Another King At Gandhi's Memorial
In 1959, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. came to India to further understand Mahatma Gandhi's tactics of passive resistance. Gandhi's methods of nonviolent protests had worked a decade earlier to bring independence to a nation. In '59, King was in the midst of formulating and carrying out his own plan to help bring freedom and equality to the oppressed in the United States. Their legacies were for... posted on Feb 18 2009, 3,864 reads


Blessings In A Backpack
On Friday afternoon, fifth grader John Gonzalez takes home more than homework. When John and his little sister meet up with their mom outside Normandy Elementary School for the quick walk home, they both carry an extra backpack -- what's inside will help sustain them through the weekend. The food, store coupons and menu are all provided free to the struggling family as part of the Blessings in a ... posted on Feb 13 2009, 3,561 reads


How Dialling 1298 Can Save A Life
Americans take 911 for granted, but in many developing nations a centralized emergency telephone number is unheard of. In Mumbai, four friends came togeter to start a private ambulance company that has stepped up to fill the void in emergency medical service. In a city where "ambulance" used to be synonymous with "hearse," Mumbai residents can now dial 1298 and receive emergency medical care price... posted on Feb 06 2009, 3,033 reads


The Magic of Free Parking
Composer turned filmmaker Kurt Kuenne calls it "a fable about the magic of free parking." A short film about one parking attendant named Hugh Newman is really the story of the small acts of goodness and everyday smiles that truly make people's day, and sometimes, their lives. ... posted on Feb 03 2009, 7,462 reads


The Healing Toddler
"A month ago, I stepped through the revolving door into my physician's office, feeling both afraid of being there because of what I could find out about my health, but also knowing that I would feel afraid if I didn't come there precisely to find out. So, I felt stuck. As I scurried over to a wooden chair with a plush cushion and a Home & Garden magazine lying on top of it, I noticed there were ... posted on Feb 01 2009, 4,637 reads


Three Words of Wisdom
"One evening I was parked in front of the mall wiping off my car. I had just come from the car wash and was waiting for my wife to get out of work. Coming my way from across the parking lot was, what society would consider, a bum. From the looks of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. There are times when you feel generous but there are other times that you just don't want ... posted on Jan 24 2009, 10,754 reads


Dr. King's Definition of Service
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his famous 1968 speech "The Drum Major Instinct, shared a stirringly powerful and timeless definition of service. Listen to his delivery of it in this two minute piece.... posted on Jan 19 2009, 5,642 reads


Polishing Up The Diamond
The Jacobs Family Foundation is a $21 million family fund that was created to revitalize a southeastern San Diego neighborhood called "The Diamond". Frustrated by the limited results they achieved by providing grants and technical assistance to nonprofits, President and CEO Jennifer Vanica and the Jacobs family decided to work directly with the community. Instead of just funding the 200 nonprofit ... posted on Jan 18 2009, 3,047 reads


The Solidarity Quilt
In 2004, The World March of Women, an international network of 6,000 grassroots women's organizations, created a global charter for humanity, an official statement of the group's goals. In 31 affirmations, the charter calls on men, women and oppressed groups across the planet to "transform the world," "radically change social structures" and live together with "equality, peace, freedom, solidarity... posted on Jan 17 2009, 3,430 reads


Why We Do What We Do
Popular personality and speaker Tony Robbins talks about what makes people do what they do. In addition to a priceless exchange between Robbins and former Vice President Al Gore, who was in the audience, the talk focuses on the emotional and psychological strengths of people, and how they direct action. The thread that runs through the talk is the conviction that giving is the most important and f... posted on Jan 15 2009, 6,595 reads


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Though leaves are many, the root is one.
William Butler Yeats

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