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Does Art Heal?
Seven-year-old Catriona Chennell's room is filled with samples of her artwork: strings of differently-shaped beads, a painting of a rainbow blazing across a blue sky. Cat's art decorates her room in the pediatric intensive care unit at Shands at the University of Florida, the hospital in Gainesville where she has spent six months waiting for a heart-lung tensplant. Through the Arts in Medicine pro... posted on Apr 06 2009, 4,274 reads


Come Out And Play!
"I thought it was rather odd when my friend from the nursing home asked me to motor her wheelchair through the puddles that formed from the melting snow. I didn't really get it, but I went along with it. We were out on one of our walks or what I like to call one of our"weekly strolls" because I stand and she rolls. Adhering to my friend's peculiar request, we were off on our watery wheelchair adve... posted on Apr 05 2009, 3,093 reads


Stir Your World
Write. Play. Draw. Sing You Can Do Something to STIR yourself, your friends and your world. Let it never be said that I was silent when they needed me. That's the spirit of this video, that uses excerpts of speeches from Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela and more to invite us all to arise, awake and act.... posted on Mar 26 2009, 4,146 reads


A Birthday Celebration for Every Child
The party for Faith and Joy, sisters celebrating their 4th and 11th birthdays, respectively, kicks up the typical din of tots, toddlers, and tweens. Faith, her braids decorated with flower-shaped pins, leans on the kitchen table, burrowing her face into the arms of her seated mother. Joy hurls herself into the festivities, getting her face painted like a cat's along with other children. Home for t... posted on Mar 24 2009, 2,824 reads


An Angel in Queens
Every day, homeless, hungry unemployed men gather under the elevated 7 train in Jackson Heights, Queens. At around 9:30 each night, relief comes in the form of Jorge Munoz's white pickup truck, filled with hot food, coffee and hot chocolate. For many, this is their only hot meal of the day; for some, it's the first food they've eaten since last night. For more than four years, Munoz and his fam... posted on Mar 21 2009, 3,029 reads


Young Curious Minds
A group of 20 youths packed together in a small radio studio, crowded over a few microphones, are speaking with great intensity. They laugh often and sometimes talk over each other. The young people are live on air, discussing educational reform and AIDS education -- just two of the many social topics that are covered on 'Curious Minds', a talk radio program of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation,... posted on Mar 19 2009, 2,764 reads


Bringing Peace Corps Home
It all started when Mark Rembert and Taylor Stuckert decided to put aside work in the Peace Corps to see what they could do to help serve their own community. The two friends believed the Peace Corps philosophy, of helping communities help themselves. Last fall, Rembert wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper with an idea. "Let's designate Clinton County as the first green-enterprise zone.... posted on Mar 04 2009, 2,196 reads


A Rare Act of Sportsmanship
"The coach never considered any other option. No matter that his high school basketball team had ridden a bus two and a half hours to get to Milwaukee, then waited another hour past game time to play. Didn't matter that the game was close, or that this was a chance to beat a big city team. Something else was on Dave Rohlman's mind when he asked for a volunteer to shoot two free throws awarded his ... posted on Feb 27 2009, 5,782 reads


A Special Valentine's Day Gift
A recent one-of-a-kind, multiple city transplant operation offered new hope to people in need of organs. This Valentine's Day, twelve people in three cities exchanged six different organs in what's known as a domino kidney transplant. It all started with one willing donor...... posted on Feb 23 2009, 2,994 reads


Caring For Other People's Children
19-year-old Anjana Damraji is a first year science student. She lives in a girl's hostel in Pune, manages to pay her fees through a government scholarship and tutors five children during her spare hours to earn an extra bit of money. None of this would seem extraordinary had it not been for the fact that Anjana's parents work on a construction site as laborers and have been doing so for the past 2... posted on Feb 20 2009, 4,476 reads


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Should I get lost, just point me in the direction of a poem.
Betty Bleen

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