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Giving Anonymously
Anyone who enjoys putting cash under a friends door or in their mailbox will often times not know if their friend actually got the gift and they cannot hear what it meant to them. So, Lionel Thompson came up with an idea to have a messaging line where recipients could call after receiving their gift. This video shares more.... posted on Sep 01 2009, 3,857 reads


A Snowballing of Generosity
Imagine this: shopper Jenni Ware gets $207 of groceries at Trader Joe's and realizes only at the checkout line that she has lost her wallet. Carolee Hazard, in line behind the distressed woman, spontaneously covers the tab! Jenni goes home and sends Carolee a check for $300, and suggests that her benefactress treat herself to a massage with the leftover cash. Hazard turned to her online Facebook c... posted on Aug 29 2009, 2,662 reads


An Unusual Movie: Mankind Is No Island
Using images found on street signage in Sydney and New York, Jason van Genderen shot this entire movie on a cell phone! "Mankind is No Island" is a cleverly crafted visual and musical narrative, whose production budget was a whopping $57! Winner of the TropFest NY 2008 award, the world's largest short film festival, this is three and half minute experience that will leave you inspired.... posted on Aug 26 2009, 12,214 reads


The 'Putpocketers' of London
Visitors to London always have to be on the look out for pickpockets, but now there's another, more positive phenomenon on the loose -- putpockets. Aware that people are suffering in the economic crisis, 20 former pickpockets have turned over a new leaf and are now trawling London's tourist sites slipping money back into unsuspecting pockets. Anything from 5 pounds ($8) to 20 pound notes is being ... posted on Aug 24 2009, 2,907 reads


Fair Weather Friend Saves Lives
Somewhere out there, on the frequency 12359 kilohertz, is a man named Herb who will give any boat a personalized weather forecast upon request. He's more accurate than any weather service, say the mariners who rely upon his expertise. But very few sailors even know he exists. Herb says he averages 20 to 30 life-or-death cases each year, all from his home outside Toronto, Canada. He has been provid... posted on Aug 21 2009, 2,696 reads


The Pay-As-You-Wish Taxi Driver
Essex, Vermont is home to only around 18,000 people -- but thanks to newly-minted cabbie Eric Hagen, they now have an inspiring and affordable way to get around the town.... posted on Aug 16 2009, 3,609 reads


The City that Ended Hunger
"In writing Diet for a Small Planet, I learned one simple truth: Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food but a scarcity of democracy. But that realization was only the beginning, for then I had to ask: What does a democracy look like that enables citizens to have a real voice in securing life's essentials? Does it exist anywhere? Is it possible or a pipe dream? With hunger on the rise here in t... posted on Aug 14 2009, 4,311 reads


Polly's Walk Around the World
"The definition of walking around the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is that you have to walk at least 14,000 miles, and you need to start and finish in the same place and walk across at least four continents, and they say that when you get to the end of a continent you can fly," Polly Letofsky explains in the film her brother P.J. made to document her journey around the w... posted on Aug 08 2009, 2,484 reads


A Walk In The Park
It might be more important than you think to take that stroll in the park: A recent study suggests that walking in nature might actually benefit your brain. The study, published in Psychological Science and conducted by University of Michigan researchers, found that when people spent time in nature, as opposed to an urban environment, their attention and memory improved. ... posted on Aug 07 2009, 5,258 reads


College Students Build Car for the Blind
A new car developed by undergraduate students at Virginia Tech is so tricked-out with safety features that its blind operators probably won't be on the receiving end of many road-rage rants. The prototype is built on the bones of an ordinary dune buggy, using technology grafted from the university's entry in the "Urban Challenge" contest. "The semi-autonomous vehicle uses a laser range finder, voi... posted on Aug 02 2009, 3,460 reads


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