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Dreams of a Mild Mannered Hero
The crowd, straining every muscle to get a brief touch of his robe, was violently thrown back by Indian police as the Dalai Lama passed. It was unlike anything I had experienced before or have since: such extreme fervor of religious devotion for a single man. How, I wondered, could this gentle, mild-mannered monk support such a high level of expectation? "I've never seen anything like this in my l... posted on Mar 05 2010, 3,957 reads


Art from Ashes
Orin spent a good chunk of 2009 sleeping on park benches. The 20-year-old admits he made it difficult on his parents. He ran away close to a half-dozen times. On the streets, though, he has become quite the poet. "I just want everyone to know I have something to say," Orin said. And every Tuesday night, Orin and other youth like him, get their chance to share their voice through 'Art from Ashes' ... posted on Feb 23 2010, 3,812 reads


Canada's Bravery Awards
Canada gives out three bravery decorations for selfless acts of courage: the Medal of Bravery, Cross of Valour and Star of Courage. Anyone can nominate a person who has risked injury or death to save another. This inspiring story highlights a few of the 47 people who were recently decorated by Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean ... including an eight year old girl who saved her mother when she fell through... posted on Feb 21 2010, 1,947 reads


10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy
What makes us happy? The emerging field of positive psychology is bursting with new findings that suggest your actions can have a significant effect on your happiness and satisfaction with life. Actions like: savor everyday moments, avoid comparisons, put money low on the list, have meaningful goals, take initiative at work, smile even when you don't feel like it, say thank you like you mean it, ... posted on Feb 13 2010, 27,099 reads


Seeing How Far $100 Can Go
She's a Brooklyn-based writer who, five years ago, was shocked to find herself in possession of a six-figure book advance. She wanted to give a chunk of it away, but was not sure how. So she decided she would make it someone else's problem -- nine other people's problems. She chose nine thoughtful friends, gave them each $100, and told them they would be expected to account for what they had done ... posted on Feb 09 2010, 4,588 reads


Ogori Cafe: Order It Forward!
When you walk in Japan's Ogori Cafe, you get whatever the person before you ordered and paid for; then, in return you order something for the person behind you. It doesn't matter what you order -- that's a surprise! The whole point is to get something random from a stranger, and buy something random for a stranger.... posted on Feb 08 2010, 3,128 reads


You've Been Upgraded
An airplane traveler and companion get an unexpected upgrade to first class. They decide to turn that potential short-term luxury into a simple and powerful act of kindness, and long-term satisfaction...... posted on Feb 05 2010, 4,735 reads


Design Thinking for Social Innovation
Designers have traditionally focused on enhancing the look and functionality of products. Recently, they have begun using design tools to tackle more complex problems, such as finding ways to provide low-cost healthcare throughout the world. Read about how nonprofits are using "design thinking" to tackle issues such as transporting clean water to arid areas and feeding malnourished children in d... posted on Jan 31 2010, 2,222 reads


Rooster Valentini: Getting Kids to School
The sun hangs low in a cold morning sky, blasting Russell 'Rooster' Valentini's eyes as he steers the battered red minivan he calls ''The Beast'' east into Allentown. Valentini cannot put down the visor to block the glare because 13 parking tickets will rain down on his head. So he squints as he heads to the Salvation Army Hospitality House on Seventh Street to look for students he hopes he does n... posted on Jan 26 2010, 4,342 reads


Mother Teresa On The Gift Economy
Lynne Twist has raised over $800 million dollars for worthy causes; she's as good a fundraiser as anyone can be. Yet, in Soul of Money, she speaks about a person she knew really well and who beat to a different drum:Mother Teresa... posted on Jan 23 2010, 4,124 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
Warren Buffet

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