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Birthday with a Homeless Friend
Lower gaze. Quicken pace. Become absorbed in sight of sidewalk. In the hustle and bustle of city life, this is a common response to the sight of the homeless on the street. One day, a city-dweller breaks out of this routine when she stops to buy a magazine. She discovers that her vendor is a refugee from a war-torn country whose 25th birthday has just passed. Caught with compassion, she finds hers... posted on Apr 24 2010, 2,895 reads


Does Activism Make You Happy?
New research says that it does! In a groundbreaking study, two university psychologists, Malte Klar and Tim Kasser, interviewed college students about their political engagement and level of happiness. The results show that taking action boosts morale: those who are politically involved are happier than those who aren't. Regardless of how engaging the political action, simply taking a stand for wh... posted on Apr 22 2010, 4,805 reads


Former Cambodian Boy Soldier Defuses His Past
He's the little guy trying to make his country safe, according to photo displays at tourist museums. His method is simple. Aki Ra walks from landmine to landmine, defusing bombs not unlike those he had activated as a child soldier during the rise of the Khmer Rouge. In Cambodia, where 300 people a year are still injured by mines set over 3 decades ago, Ra has devoted his life to disarming them. Re... posted on Apr 18 2010, 1,492 reads


A Lift That Gave Me Joy
Last fall, before Thanksgiving, I was making my way in my car out of the shopping center parking lot. I was all alone in the car. I noticed a woman laden with bags and her two boys, one carrying a pumpkin and the other another bag. On a random impulse, I rolled down my window and asked "Would you like a ride?" "Oh yes!" was their excited reaction. This was special for me because, as a handicappe... posted on Apr 02 2010, 2,847 reads


Africa's Gift to Silicon Valley
After Kenya's disputed election in 2007, violence erupted. A prominent Kenyan lawyer and blogger, Ory Okolloh, who was based in South Africa but had gone back to Kenya to vote and observe the election, received threats about her work and returned to South Africa. She posted online the idea of an Internet mapping tool to allow people anonymously to report violence and other misdeeds. Technology whi... posted on Mar 27 2010, 1,952 reads


Cabbie from Congo
We often get so absorbed in the minutiae of our daily lives that we do not stay open to learning experiences. In her article, Jacqueline Novogratz writes about how a late cab ride home from dinner could have just been another opportunity to check her email or stare out the window. Instead, after a strange request from her cab driver, she had the opportunity to do small acts of kindness, and grow c... posted on Mar 15 2010, 4,952 reads


US Kids Skype With Afghan Kids
In 2005, teenager Kyleigh Kuhn met 50 students studying beneath a tent north of Kabul, Afghanistan. Distraught by the landmines and environmental hazards she saw nearby, Kuhn return home and began collecting pennies to raise funds for a safer environment and better school for the area's children. Since then, this small project has become the Roots of Peace Penny Campaign, and has removed landmines... posted on Mar 14 2010, 1,349 reads


The Power of An Open Heart
"I was on my lunch break in the city, enjoying a salad at an outdoor cafe, when a disheveled homeless lady came walking towards me. She was yelling and begging everyone who walked past her for spare change and she looked like a mess. My instant reaction was fear... to close off and hope she didn't come near me, but she did. I was on the phone and when she came over yelling, I said, 'I'm on the ... posted on Mar 13 2010, 11,053 reads


Science Says: Kindness is Contagious!
In findings sure to gladden the heart of anyone who's ever wondered whether tiny acts of kindness have larger consequences, researchers have shown that generosity is contagious. Goodness spurs goodness, they found: A single act can influence dozens more. In a game where selfishness made more sense than cooperation, acts of giving were "tripled over the course of the experiment by other subjects w... posted on Mar 12 2010, 4,144 reads


How Innovation Happens
Ever wonder how Michael Dell came up with the idea to create his own computer company? Or how Pierre Omidyar dreamed up the online marketplace eBay? Or how Jeff Bezos came up with the bold moves needed to develop into one of America's most successful companies? "I always thought creativity was genetic -- that some people have it, some people don't," Jeff Dyer said. But that was before... posted on Mar 10 2010, 8,308 reads


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Compassion is to share the pain without sharing the suffering.
Shinzen Young

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