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Gandhian on Wheels
Catch a rickshaw on the streets of Ahmedabad, and you might be lucky enough to encounter the smiling face of Udaybhai. Enter his vehicle and you are invited to browse an array of books and newspapers. An mp3 player offers a selection of songs, and if you're hungry, you can help yourself to some tasty snacks. On top of all this, your trip has already been paid for by grateful travelers who came bef... posted on Dec 22 2010, 2,599 reads


Makeovers For A Cause
Makeovers -- for the body and the home -- have become a staple of reality television shows. And now, for a handful of young adults in New York, they are becoming an actual reality. Blissful Bedrooms is a nonprofit organization committed to transforming the bedrooms of young people living with disabilities. They don't have an office, or paid staff, but they do have a website, a Facebook page, and ... posted on Dec 20 2010, 2,753 reads


A Professor's Lesson 30 Years Ago
During a winter semester at college a young student found himself struggling through a particularly dull class, "He (the professor) was terribly ill at ease, barely looking up at us students through his gold rimmed glasses. I felt that I needed to do something to stem the boredom that would ensue in his lecture, so I created a little game for myself." That "game" resulted in a quiet, yet profound ... posted on Dec 11 2010, 12,019 reads


A Passion for Giving
'A Passion For Giving' is a stylish, powerful and beautifully shot film with great music and compelling interviews with fascinating people, some famous some not, who inspire the viewer to give and help other people, animals and the planet. It reinforces the notion that anyone has the capacity to give, not just those with disposable income. From a Tibetan monk to a New York City street artist, thi... posted on Dec 08 2010, 3,854 reads


A Marathon with Heart, Literally
Just six months after undergoing open heart surgery, John Stamler crossed the finish line of the New York City Marathon. Stamler, however, did not just run for himself. He ran to raise awareness and funds for an organization that helped him through the difficulties and isolation of his rare condition. Diagnosed with a condition so rare that it just affects 0.00004% of the US population (or about 1... posted on Dec 06 2010, 2,190 reads


Not Your Grandfather's Retirement
Retirement: Golf, knitting, rocking chairs, ...and changing the world? While notions of retirement have traditionally conjured up images of relaxing, traveling, and enjoying leisure time and recreation, more and more people at the age of retirement are committing the second half of their lives to projects that serve society. This year's recipients of the Purpose Prize, an award that honors people ... posted on Dec 05 2010, 6,115 reads


Bangladesh Prisoners Meditate
At first glance, a room filled with a group of people practicing meditation may not look unusual. But the men and women who are sitting calmly, trying to focus their minds, are a little different from most. They are prisoners in the central jail in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, serving sentences for committing violent crimes. Their objective? To reduce anxiety and make a new beginning. This is t... posted on Dec 01 2010, 4,104 reads


Random Acts of Kindness Across the Country
At New York City's Ground Zero Visitor's Center, one anonymous individual drops $10,000 cash in the donation box for the 9/11 memorial. A couple in Kansas City pledges to give $25,000 to Salvation Army, an organization that housed and helped them when they had nowhere to go. On his fifth birthday, Matthew didn't want any gifts. Instead, he told his friends to make a donation to charity, raising $2... posted on Nov 27 2010, 4,132 reads


A Checking Account of Smiles
Jorge Munoz is a bus driver in New York City who started feeding the hungry in Queens five years ago, using food that would otherwise have been thrown away. Since then, he's been there, day-in and day-out, distributing 121,000 meals over the years. And that's how he discovered a secret- the power of sharing. "People are telling me, 'Jorge, you have no money, you do all this and get nothing back.' ... posted on Nov 26 2010, 2,451 reads


Be Selfish, Be Generous
As we consider all the things we are grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day, we also reflect on how we can turn that gratitude in action. What does it mean to be generous? Why do we feel inspired to give? And what can we share with the world? What follows is a five-minute video montage of CharityFocus volunteers reflecting on how being truly selfish leaves us with no choice but to be generous.... posted on Nov 25 2010, 5,047 reads


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Retire from work, but not from life.
M.K. Soni

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