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Grateful: A Love Song to the World
Musicians Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod brought together dozens of people from around the world to create this beautiful, heart-opening melody. Inspired by the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge, the song is a celebration of our spirit and all that is a blessing in life. For the 21 Days, over 11,000 participants from 118 countries learned that gratefulness is a habit cultivated consciously and a muscle bui... posted on Nov 23 2023, 3,857 reads


Metaphors of Movement
"In his 1914 poem The Best Friend, the Welsh poet and occasional vagabond W.H. Davies pondered a timeless question: Now shall I walk, or should I ride? This seemingly simple dilemma encapsulates the modern industrial choice between slow-paced ageless wandering on foot or embracing the thrill of motorized transport, along with the attendant speed and freedom it offers, which has become such an inte... posted on Nov 22 2023, 2,565 reads


Shin Terayama: A Radical Healing, A Remarkable Life
"From his hospital bed one night, Terayama had a strange dream. He was looking at his body in a coffin. He was 47, and did not yet know he had cancer. That soon changed. After surgery, chemo and radiation, with his cancer now out of reach of medical cure he went home to face death." A few mornings later, I had a very strange sensation in my body. When the sun came up, the sunlight came into my hea... posted on Nov 21 2023, 2,049 reads


Jennifer Bichanich: Rising from the Ashes
In this deeply moving episode, Fill to Capacity podcast host Pat Benincasa speaks with writer and life coach Jennifer Bichanich. Jennifer opens a window on her experiences with profound loss, including losing her beloved husband when the church they were remodeling went up in flames. Despite immense grief and despair, Jennifer found ways to rebuild her life and discover her own creative resilience... posted on Nov 20 2023, 2,709 reads


The Great Discontent
"At the age of 30, Jedidiah Jenkins quit his day job and embarked on a 16-month, 10,000-mile bike trip from Oregon to Patagonia, Chile, the self-imposed catalyst for pursuing his dream of writing a book." After building a strong following online, he returned to his home in LA, launched a magazine called Wilderness, and wrote a book called. "To Shake the Sleeping Self." Check out an interview with ... posted on Nov 19 2023, 1,971 reads


Invisible Landscapes
"Until quite recently, if doctors wanted to study human tissue from a living person, they had to remove it first. Then they'd essentially mummify it: drying, freezing, slicing, and fixing it on a slide so they could peer at its shriveled dead form under a microscope to ascertain what was happening at a cellular level. As a result, scientists and doctors were taught in medical school that collagen ... posted on Nov 18 2023, 3,435 reads


Koolulam: Harnessing the Power of Harmony
Koolulam is a social musical initiative aimed at empowering communities and strengthening the fabric of society. Through collaborative creative experiences, they bring together people of different backgrounds, cultures, faiths and geographies to stop everything for a few hours and sing. This iteration of Matisyahu's song, One Day, sung in English, Arabic and Hebrew, brought together 3,000 people i... posted on Nov 17 2023, 1,430 reads


Attuned: Global Social Witnessing
"What would trauma-informed media look like? It's a question that deserves critical research. What's clear is that contemporary societies need to focus as much or more attention on healing and health as they do on increasing gross domestic product. Imagine a new media and economic landscape that is grounded, professional, and ethical, whose leaders value human health above personal profit. Imagine... posted on Nov 16 2023, 1,280 reads


Could Creativity Transform Medicine?
"Medicine has a "creativity problem," Emily Peters says, and too many people working in health care are resigned to the status quo, the dehumanizing bureaucracy. That's why it's time to call in the artists, she argues, the people with the skills to envision a radically better future. In her new book, Artists Remaking Medicine, Peters collaborated with artists, writers and musicians, including some... posted on Nov 15 2023, 1,457 reads


Cultivating Inner Stillness for Compassionate Service
"Make the world your Temple. In 2019, Sarah Tulivu had been given this clear instruction by two Taoist masters, including her direct teacher, Master Waysun Liao. At the time, Sarah, ordained as Fong Yi, was living and training full-time as a monk in a Taoist temple in Lago Atitln, Guatemala. For six years, she had practiced meditation and the embodied consciousness practice of taiji (tai chi) in ... posted on Nov 14 2023, 2,022 reads


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