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Social Media for Social Change
Kecia Cruz's son had been sleeping on a cold linoleum floor since returning to live with his mother nearly two weeks ago. Cruz has served time in prison and her son is a recovering drug addict. Cruz sees her child's return as a second chance. She didn't want him sleeping on the floor, but she didn't know where to turn. Her neighbor had an answer: Beremedy -- an organization that utilizes social me... posted on Jun 16 2011, 3,843 reads


5 Classic Commencement Speeches
It's graduation season, so commencement addresses by actors, politicians, writers, musicians and other luminaries are sweeping the world of higher education, sharing advice ranging from the humorous to the profound. Even for those of us that aren't students, it becomes an opportunity to reflect on the most compelling, provocative and deeply inspirational speeches of years past. This article highl... posted on Jun 14 2011, 15,533 reads


How One Teenager Used Her Life Savings
After finishing high school in New Jersey, Maggie Doyne took a gap year during which she did service projects and cultural programs in South Asia. In India, she met a teenage refugee who had escaped Nepal seven years earlier. Maggie felt moved to accompany the girl back to Nepal in search of her family. In the process, she was deeply touched by the orphans she met in the villages. "It was really t... posted on Jun 12 2011, 16,339 reads


10 Worst Listening Habits -- and Their Cure
We spend up to 80% of our waking hours in some form of communication, and 45% of that time is spent listening. And yet, it is the skill in which we have the least training. It isn't surprising, then, that studies show how poor and inefficient we can be as listeners. Apart from lack of explicit training, other reasons factor in. To start with, we think faster than we speak or listen, leaving us wit... posted on Jun 03 2011, 50,906 reads


A Biologist's Solution For A Troubled City
To many residents Binghamton, New York, appears to be on the decline. The once thriving community was struck hard by the economic downturn. It now has a shrinking population, rising crime rates and increasing drug use among youth. But recently, the city's quality of life got a boost from an unusual source: an evolutionary biologist who has studied microbes, zooplankton, and birds. Professor David ... posted on Jun 02 2011, 11,663 reads


Building Curious Employees
Design thinking is a process of empathizing with the end user. David Kelley, founder of IDEO and Stanford's design program, takes a similar approach to managing people. He believes leadership is a matter of empathizing with employees. In this interview, he explains why leaders should seek understanding rather than blind obedience, why it's better to be a coach and a taskmaster and the eff... posted on May 31 2011, 4,755 reads


Grounded For Good
After spending 18 months abroad, McMillans were inspired to return home to Scotland with as little environmental impact as possible. En route from Singapore, they journeyed across 14 countries over 85 days, using 22 buses, 14 trains, 11 boats and numerous rickshaws. They enjoyed it so much that they started a website to help others do the same -- flightless travel. Aircrafts currently produce 4... posted on May 29 2011, 7,323 reads


Making a Case for Mindfulness
Growing numbers of attorneys are embracing some form of practice to achieve mindfulness. Their reasons for doing so are varied, but chief among them are stress management and improved mental and physical health. This is a hopeful shift, given the well-known Johns Hopkins study which found that lawyers are more prone to depression than members of any other profession. In the most recent study, Har... posted on May 28 2011, 4,149 reads


From Me to We
Neighbors often share a power washer and lawn mowers. Others co-own cabins and cars. Some pick fruit before it rots and donate it to food banks. Families share pets like horses and dogs. Some even share organs. In a society valuing independence and fearing disagreement, people have found a way to enhance their pocket books and their relationships by sharing what they have. Through sharing arrangem... posted on May 24 2011, 3,232 reads


To Serve With Love
"A tug at my dress. I look down. There is Meena. All of six. We have just met. "Akka (sister), you must eat in our house tonight," she says. A sweet spontaneous invitation, and an offer I can't refuse. Meena and the others emerge with enormous vessels (or perhaps they only seemed enormous because the bearers are so small). I am served with rice, vegetables, and curry -- and love. Such love. It's a... posted on May 19 2011, 3,856 reads


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For life and death are one, even as the river and sea are one.
Kahlil Gibran

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