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Seven Tips for Fostering Generosity
"We all know gift giving is an essential, ritualized part of the holidays. But what about the rest of the year? There's good reason to practice generosity even after you've greeted the New Year. As we've reported in the past, giving activates parts of the brain associated with pleasure and social connection; releases endorphins in the brain, producing a 'helper's high'; and provides many long-term... posted on Dec 25 2011, 12,536 reads


4 Misconceptions About the Simple Life
"It is important to recognize inaccurate stereotypes about the simple life because they make it seem impractical and ill suited for responding to increasingly critical breakdowns in world systems. Four misconceptions about the simple life are so common they deserve special attention. These are, equating simplicity with: poverty, rural living, living without beauty and economic stagnation. A centra... posted on Dec 24 2011, 32,339 reads


A 13-yr-old Secret Santa
For the second straight Christmas, a philanthropist from Utah's Capitol Hill has been warming the hearts of the homeless and brightening the smiles of hundreds of their children. The benefactor works year-round raising money, networking with businesses, buying and wrapping gifts, and encouraging random residents to pitch in with presents the underprivileged kids otherwise would never see. Jocelyn ... posted on Dec 23 2011, 9,766 reads


Secret Santas Take the Country by Surprise
The young father stood in line at the Kmart layaway counter, wearing dirty clothes and worn-out boots. With him were three small children. He asked to pay something on his bill because he knew he wouldn't be able to afford it all before Christmas. Then a mysterious woman stepped up to the counter. "She told him, 'No, I'm paying for it,'" recalled Edna Deppe, assistant manager at the store in India... posted on Dec 19 2011, 16,624 reads


What a 10-Year-Old Did for the Tar Sands
10-yr-old Ta'Kaiya Blaney stood outside Enbridge Northern Gateway's office on July 6, waiting for officials to grant her access to the building. She thought she could hand deliver an envelope containing an important message about the company's pipeline construction. But the doors remained locked. "I don't know what they find so scary about me," she said, as she was ushered off the property by secu... posted on Dec 10 2011, 8,095 reads


An Old Japanese Love Warrior
"This so enraged the drunk that he grabbed the metal pole at the center of the car and tried to wrench it out of its stanchion. I could see that one of his hands was cut and bleeding. The train lurched ahead, the passengers frozen with fear. I stood tip. I was young and in pretty good shape. I stood six feet, weighed 225. I'd been putting in a solid eight hours of aikido training every day for the... posted on Dec 08 2011, 43,360 reads


The World's Greatest Business Case for Compassion
It's called one of the greatest stories in medicine, but it's more than that. Its approach has impressed the world's top design-thinkers, and yet, it's more than a paragon of innovation. For the last 17 years every MBA student at Harvard has studied a business case on it, but it's more, even, than a model social enterprise. This is the story of Dr. V -- a retired surgeon with crippled fingers who ... posted on Dec 07 2011, 6,171 reads


Embrace: A Solution That's Saving Infant Lives
Millions of children under the age of five die from hypothermia -- their body temperature is too low because they don't have enough fat to maintain a healthy weight. In 2008 business student Jane Chen and a small band of classmates put their heads together to prevent such tragic losses. Their work led to the founding of Embrace, a nonprofit organization that created an innovative baby wrap that co... posted on Dec 07 2011, 4,744 reads


The Free Farm
The Free Farm in San Francisco, run fully by volunteers, is dedicated to bringing fresh, local, organic produce for free to under-served communities in the San Francisco area. In 2009 alone, they gifted over 20,000 lbs of produce. A remarkable activist describes his experience in serving at the Free Farm. "We are not growing fruits and veggies. We are facilitating the growth of soil and community.... posted on Dec 05 2011, 9,140 reads


Inspiring a Life of Immersion
In this wide-ranging TED talk, Jacqueline Novogratz, founder of the Acumen Fund, shares stories of people who have immersed themselves in a cause, a community, a passion for change. Stories that remind us that our human inheritance is the capacity to live lives infused with courage, sacrifice, humility, and hard work - and the tremendous impact it can bring to others.... posted on Dec 02 2011, 4,554 reads


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