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Portrait of a Healer
"Some of his patients are sent to him by local hospitals, especially in hopeless cases; when, for example, amputation seems to be the only option. Sergio Castro is seen by many as the last hope. People come to him with gangrene, hoping that they will be able to keep their limbs, for he has achieved what some perceive as "miracles". Sergio is not a doctor; Sergio's somebody who really cares about p... posted on Jan 22 2012, 19,289 reads


A Cookie Giving Experiment in New York City
"At around 12:30 AM Thursday morning, I began my expedition to give out cookies to strangers in NYC. I first offered a cookie to the front desk security guard; he looked in the bag and took the biggest cookie he could find and said thank you. I thought, "Well that's the biggest cookie in the bag, that's a bit selfish." Nonetheless, I smiled and was happy to give him a cookie. Lesson 1: I noticed m... posted on Jan 20 2012, 5,241 reads


In Africa, the Art of Listening
"For nearly 25 years I've lived off and on in Mozambique. Time has passed, and I'm no longer young; in fact, I'm approaching old age. But my motive for living this straddled existence, with one foot in African sand and the other in European snow, in the melancholy region of Norrland in Sweden where I grew up, has to do with wanting to see clearly, to understand. The simplest way to explain what I'... posted on Jan 17 2012, 30,321 reads


Nurse Donates Own Kidney to Patient
The way Clay Taber looks at it, he's got three moms now. There's the woman who gave birth to him and raised him, of course. Then there's his fiancee's mother. And then there's the transplant nurse who, though practically a stranger, donated one of her healthy kidneys so that he might start married life untethered to a dialysis machine. Allison Batson first heard about Taber, now 23, in August 2010... posted on Jan 16 2012, 24,344 reads


The Power of Failure
Often times we invest failure with the wrong kind of power by thinking it's a permanent state that holds us down, rather than a temporary condition that we can learn and grow from -- often to remarkable heights. This 1-minute video gives us a window into well-known figures of the world, such as Edison, and Lincoln who all share a common trait. They each failed (and spectacularly so!) in their res... posted on Jan 14 2012, 6,198 reads


Ben Davis Keeps His Promise To Meemaw
One van. One father. One son. Thirty-one cities. 30,724 pounds lost among 1,516 participants. 1,255,740 views on YouTube. When Ben Davis makes a promise to his Meemaw, he means business. It was Christmas Eve of 2008 when Ben's grandmother expressed her concern for him simply by asking whether he was happy. "I was 360 pounds," Ben told me. "I was in a deep depression, I had lost a relationship as a... posted on Jan 04 2012, 11,960 reads


Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2011
What we appreciate, appreciates. That's the way activist Lynne Twist explains a universal phenomenon: that the more we concentrate on something, the more we understand and learn, the more it expands our own boundaries. It also applies to the stories we surround ourselves with. In theory, stories of kindness are happening all the time, but the more we orient ourselves to them, the more we find all ... posted on Jan 01 2012, 7,073 reads


A New Kind of New Year's Resolution
The upcoming new year serves as a reminder of hope, possibilities, and new beginnings. As we prepare to step into 2012, here's a new tool to help turn our annual motivation outward, resolving to brighten the lives of others: Its organizer, a chaplain at the University of Pennsylvania named Rev. Chaz Howard, calls it "a public campaign to challenge people to make outwardly-focused... posted on Dec 31 2011, 11,959 reads


How Good Found Me In A Bad Neighborhood
"It occurred to me a little too late that I was in a sketchy part of town. In anticipation of making it to my massage appointment, I had actually gotten off my bus five blocks before my stop. I was young and clearly a college student...I stuck out like a sore thumb in the southern town. Yet, even with my fingers trembling I was convinced that I would be perfectly safe, that I didn't have to rely o... posted on Dec 30 2011, 12,442 reads


5 Reasons Why We Serve
In a world dominated by financial incentives that appeal to a mindset of consumption, it becomes all the more critical to turn the tide by engaging in small acts of generosity and continually shifting the mindset towards one of inspired contribution. It's a beautiful fact that in practicing kindness in this way, we can't help but deepen our understanding of how inner and outer change are fundament... posted on Dec 27 2011, 38,059 reads


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The moon lives in the lining of your skin.

Pablo Neruda

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