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How to Support Teens in Listening
"Teens are quick to connect with each other by telling stories and passing along gossip via texting and social media. But students have lost the art of listening face to face by hiding behind the veil of anonymity. They often talk at each other. So on the first day of class, even before I outline the expectations of the class, students fill out a survey about how they recognize their own listening... posted on Feb 25 2012, 19,111 reads


Social Media for Social Transformation
"Any social-change hero succeeds in doing three fundamental things -- raising awareness, creating impact, and transforming the heart. Today's technologies, particular social media, can be significant tools. For awareness, the Internet has been an absolute amplifier. For impact, the Internet has been a mixed bag: remarkable potential in democracy movements, but significant problems ranging from cyb... posted on Feb 21 2012, 55,366 reads


Gandhi on Knowledge Without Character
"We have not yet learned to make use of our most civilizing capacities: the creativity and wisdom we all have as our birthright. When even one person comes into full possession of these capacities, our problems are shown in their true light: they are simply the results of avoidable -- though deadly -- errors of judgment. Gandhi formulated a series of diagnoses of the modern world's seemingly perpe... posted on Feb 17 2012, 81,706 reads


11 Amazing Thank You Notes
What do Elizabeth Taylor, Roald Dahl, Marilyn Monroe, Neil Armstrong and Barack Obama have in common, besides being famous? Each of them wrote touching letters of gratitude, printed here in their original writing. For example, once upon a time (1989), a little girl named Amy sent a bottle of colored water, oil and glitter to Roald Dahl, who knew right away that this was a dream in a bottle inspire... posted on Feb 16 2012, 90,850 reads


From Me to We: Everyday Generosity
Talented filmmakers David and Hi-Jin Hodge wanted to inspire generosity on Valentine's Day. So they asked a diverse group of 25 friends, young and old: what does generosity mean to you? And what lessons have you learned from practicing acts of everyday kindness? In this powerful 5-minute video, these everyday heroes share beautiful responses that inspire all of us to go out and be generous, not ju... posted on Feb 15 2012, 4,080 reads


A Guide to Finding Your Passion
"Following your passion can be a tough thing. But figuring out what that passion is can be even more elusive. I'm lucky -- I've found my passion, and I'm living it. I can testify that it's the most wonderful thing, to be able to make a living doing what you love. And so, in this little guide, I'd like to help you get started figuring out what you'd love doing. This will be the thing that will get ... posted on Feb 05 2012, 87,008 reads


The Visionary Architecture of Paolo Soleri
Architect Paolo Soleri is regarded as a visionary, much to his dismay. His thought and vision combines the ethical and the metaphysical in terms of how to structure and build our cities. He says, for example, "We have reached the point where we understand the appearance of self-awareness is one of the most incredible things that's happened in the universe. So, slowly we are developing some kind of... posted on Jan 30 2012, 5,205 reads


Man Builds Fairy Tale Home -- For $4700
"Simon Dale is a family man in Wales, the western part of Great Britain. His interest in self-sustainability and an ecological awareness led him to dig out and build his own home -- one of the loveliest, warmest, most inviting dwellings you could ever imagine. And it cost him only $4,700. Can you imagine a more charming entrance than this?"... posted on Jan 28 2012, 221,480 reads


Road Trip Nation
"I'd feel so much better about the world we live in if being 'passionate' or 'inspired' was a national standard instead of so much of the academic trivia that is mandated," a high school teacher wrote. Working with 11th graders in his capacity as college advisor, he was helping them explore how their own passions could lead to further study and possible career choices. In the process, he introduce... posted on Jan 27 2012, 4,662 reads


Inside Tim Tebow's World of Kindness
"I've come to believe in Tim Tebow for what he does off a football field, which is represent the best parts of us, the parts I want to be and so rarely am. Who among us is this selfless? Every week, Tebow picks out someone who is suffering, or who is dying, or who is injured." He flies these people and their families to the Broncos game, and gives them a treat of a lifetime. This ESPN article shar... posted on Jan 25 2012, 18,064 reads


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Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?
Abraham Lincoln

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