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How To Think Like An Ecosystem
"A new way of seeing that is opening up to us can form a more life-serving mental map. I call it "eco-mind"-- looking at the world through the lens of ecology. This worldview recognizes that we, no less than any other organism, live in relation to everything else. As the visionary German physicist Hans-Peter Durr puts it, "There are no parts, only participants." This fascinating article from Yes M... posted on Apr 10 2012, 28,534 reads


The Power of Self-Compassion
Are you your own worst critic? It's common to beat ourselves up for faults big and small. But according to psychologist and author Kristin Neff, that self-criticism comes at a price. For the last decade, Neff has been a pioneer in the study of "self-compassion," the revolutionary idea that you can actually be kind to yourself, accept your own faults-- and enjoy deep emotional benefits as a result.... posted on Apr 07 2012, 75,392 reads


Two Tragic Moments & One Boy's Compassion
Nearly a decade ago Eddie Canales was watching his son's football game. Chris Canales, a high school senior, had three offers to play college football, and that night, he was having the game of his life. With four minutes left in the fourth quarter, he made a touchdown-saving tackle. But something went wrong. "I could hear my teammates saying, 'Chris, come on, let's go,' " Chris, now 26, remembere... posted on Apr 05 2012, 8,269 reads


Five Poverty-fighting Women to Watch
Across the globe, women are taking on the challenge of poverty in creative, smart and sustainable ways. This article highlights five dynamic women whose work collectively spans Haiti, India, Afghanistan, Kenya and beyond. Their uplifting and diverse contributions seem poised to reach new heights in the coming year. Learn more about them and how to keep up with their journeys here.... posted on Mar 28 2012, 17,161 reads


A Chinese Living Water Garden
Water is art activist Betsy Damon's passion. She was studying sacred springs in China when she began meeting individuals interested in water from a variety of angles: medicine, hydraulic engineering, spirituality. This unique collaboration led to an invitation to review a major water project in Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan. Because of her critique, the project was actually scrapped. But th... posted on Mar 25 2012, 8,028 reads


9 year old Autistic Social Entrepreneur
Kent Melville's father was skeptical when his son first said that he wanted to use the profits from his successful summer lemonade stand to start his own soda company. Aaron Melville, who teaches business classes at a local college, did not believe his 9-year-old autistic son was ready to run his own business. He told Kent to wait until he was older. His son's response brought tears to his eyes a... posted on Mar 15 2012, 27,053 reads


Jeff Skoll on Story-telling & Social Change
One of Jeff Skoll's passions is storytelling. It stems from his youth, when he hoped to be a writer and inspire people to help solve the world's biggest problems. Skoll took a detour on that path when he met Pierre Omidyar and became eBay's first employee and president. Ultimately that detour enabled him to tackle his early passions on a scale that he could only have dreamed of before. He is famed... posted on Mar 14 2012, 7,182 reads


The Suitcase That's Saving Lives
What if your carry-on suitcase could save a woman's life? In the fight against maternal mortality in the developing world, a rugged, portable "Solar Suitcase" is providing reliable electricity to clinics in 17 countries where healthcare workers previously struggled to provide emergency obstetric care by the light of candles, flashlights and mobile phones. The Solar Suitcase powers medical LED ligh... posted on Mar 09 2012, 5,455 reads


The Kindness Boomerang
What goes around comes around. This charming short film depicts the ripple-effect of kind acts -- the way in which receiving an unexpected moment of generosity from a stranger can cause us to become more aware of the needs of those around us and to take action to become a vector of goodness.... posted on Mar 08 2012, 6,407 reads


Designing for Generosity
What would the world look like if we designed for generosity? Instead of assuming that people want to simply maximize self-interest, what if our institutions and organizations were built around our deepest motivations? A recent TEDx talk explores this question and introduces the concept of Giftivism: the practice of radically generous acts that change the world. The video is charged with stories o... posted on Mar 02 2012, 5,854 reads


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Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.
Ben Okri

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