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How Gift-Giving Creates Community
"Wherever I go and ask people what is missing from their lives, the most common answer (if they are not impoverished or seriously ill) is "community." What happened to community, and why don't we have it any more? There are many reasons -- the layout of suburbia, the disappearance of public space, the automobile and the television -- and, if you trace the "why's" a few levels down, they all implic... posted on Jun 13 2012, 27,436 reads


When Life is Ugly Make it Beautiful
"The Josephine beauty parlor in northern Paris is celebrating its first birthday Thursday. Some 1,200 disadvantaged women -- abuse victims, former convicts or addicts, disabled women, single unemployed mothers -- have come here for a professional haircut and makeup, or to borrow clothes for a job interview, since it opened on International Women's Day a year ago. Thanks to volunteer workers and pr... posted on Jun 09 2012, 7,732 reads


The Boy Who Fell Into The Water & Lived
"The only way to get to this island village is by boat. The current in these parts is treacherously strong and the sun beats down in sheets of heat. About 2000 people live in this village. 125 died in the tsunami. Twenty-six of them were children. There is no bridge connecting the village to the mainland, only a jetty that wanders partway into the water and stops. When some of the children saw the... posted on Jun 06 2012, 12,734 reads


How Music Can Help The Terminally Ill
"Alternative medicine is increasingly accepted as part of palliative care and some studies show music is one method to ease pain and stress at the end of life. One of these methods includes live harp music, played at the bedside by a certified music practitioner. Carol Joy Loeb, a former opera singer, is a certified music practitioner and registered nurse. When she arrives at a patient's bedside, ... posted on Jun 03 2012, 4,440 reads


Peace Artist Gifts Half A Million Works of Art
April 23rd, a little after lunch. 1991. That was the moment Joe Murphy, decided that he would make something for peace. The details weren't clear to him at the time, but he knew that it would be something symbolic of connection, a chain of sorts. He knew that he would create small art pieces, and that he would give them away, and that he would do this for the rest of his life. This idea evolved in... posted on May 25 2012, 3,386 reads


4 Ways Happiness Can Hurt You
The recent explosion of scientific research reveals precisely how positive feelings like happiness are good for us. We know that they motivate us to pursue important goals and overcome obstacles, protect us from some effects of stress, connect us closely with other people, and even stave off physical and mental ailments. This has made happiness pretty trendy. The science of happiness made the cove... posted on May 24 2012, 22,218 reads


How I Changed My Life, In Four Lines
"Changing your life can seem an incredibly tough and complicated thing, especially if you've failed a great number of times (like I did), found it too hard, and resigned yourself to not changing. But I found a way to change. And I'm not any better than anyone else, not more disciplined, not more motivated. I just learned a few simple principles that changed my life. So what are the principles that... posted on May 21 2012, 46,429 reads


Can Positive Thoughts Help Heal Another?
For decades, scientists have tried to test the power of prayer and positive thinking, with mixed results. Now some scientists are fording new -- and controversial -- territory. Gail Ironson an AIDS researcher from the University of Miami noticed that a number of patients with HIV inexplicably never got sick. In trying to understand why, she discovered something surprising. "If you ask people what'... posted on May 18 2012, 26,192 reads


Staying Sober Through Service
What does making coffee at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings have to do with staying sober? A whole lot, according to recent studies that show that the physical and psychological benefits of service also benefit those with addictions. Addicts who help others, even in small ways - such as calling other Alcoholics Anonymous members to remind them about meetings or making coffee - can significantly impro... posted on May 16 2012, 11,600 reads


An 18 Year Old's Ode to the Ordinary
"The the part of our world where beauty is interlaced in each detail...It's the part of our world that can knock our socks off...but so many of us walk by everyday, never knowing, never caring...But some see..." This lovely 7-minute video on the blessing of vision -- both metaphorically and explicitly -- was filmed by Dietrich Ludwig, an eighteen year old on a budget of $25, using on... posted on May 13 2012, 5,169 reads


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