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This Larger Thing in the World
Mildred Howard sees things differently. Over 20 years ago, she was commissioned to create a house made out of glass bottles. That was her first of several bottle houses that have each made powerful, beautiful political and social statements. As an artist, community organizer, and leader, Mildred's colourful life embodies radical change. In this interview with works & conversations, Mildred speaks ... posted on Sep 12 2012, 3,988 reads


10 Life-Changing Perspectives On Anger
We all have had our moments of impatience, rage and frustration...but how do these moments affect our lives? Get curious about anger, and you just might discover an untapped well of vital energy that improves your life circumstances and wakes you up to the whole of life. This article offers 10 powerful perspectives on anger.... posted on Sep 10 2012, 0 reads


How to Change When Change Is Hard
"Find a bright spot and clone it. That's the first step to fixing everything from addiction to corporate malaise to malnutrition. A problem may look hopelessly complex. But there's a game plan that can yield movement on even the toughest issues. And it starts with locating a bright spot -- a ray of hope." So begins this excerpt in Fast Company from the best-seller "Switch: How to Change When Chang... posted on Sep 09 2012, 33,412 reads


The Billion Euro House
In January 2012, at the height of the economic crisis in Ireland and the rest of Europe, artist Frank Buckley was faced with the possibility of his home being repossessed. In a remarkable twist of fate, Frank set out to build himself a new home using shredded Euro banknotes and aptly named it "The Billion Euro House." Through The Billion Euro House, Frank seems to ask us "What is the true value of... posted on Aug 26 2012, 4,337 reads


Managing Emotions in the Workplace
You know the type: coworkers who never have anything positive to say, whether at the weekly staff meeting or in the cafeteria line. They can suck the energy from a brainstorming session with a few choice comments. Their bad mood frequently puts others in one, too. Their negativity can contaminate even good news. "We engage in emotional contagion," says Sigal Barsade, a Wharton management professor... posted on Aug 25 2012, 38,089 reads


Can We Design Cities for Happiness?
Happiness itself is a commons to which everyone should have equal access. That's the view of Enrique Penalosa , who is not a starry-eyed idealist given to abstract theorizing. He's actually a politician, who served as mayor of Bogota, Colombia, for three years, and now travels the world spreading a message about how to improve quality-of-life for everyone living in today's cities. Penalosa's ideas... posted on Aug 24 2012, 21,191 reads


Two Quick Judo-Joy-Chops
"I was on my way to the post office. I hadn't found a parking place on my first pass up the street and was now making a left turn into a small parking lot in order to loop back towards the post office. It's a tight space and there's a mail box set up right inside the lot so people can pull in, roll down their window and reach out to stick a letter into the box without getting out of their cars." W... posted on Aug 20 2012, 4,281 reads


Love is the Answer
Filmmaker Ian Watt had an epiphany: today's creatively-oriented young generation could make great things happen by linking artistic talent with change-making movements. This film tells the story of the organization he started to help youth serve the world with art. But it also shows Ian's first experiment in change-making, as he used his filmmaking skills to help bring attention to K.I. Nepal, an ... posted on Aug 19 2012, 5,297 reads


Dakota 38: One Filmmaker's Ride of a Lifetime
"I remember Silas telling us about meeting a Native American elder who talked about a dream he'd had, an important dream, one that he'd tried to ignore. But finally he understood that the dream had to be re-enacted. There would be a ride of Native Americans on horseback, over 300 miles across the Dakotas in the dead of winter, a healing ride to the place where 38 Native Americans had been hung dur... posted on Aug 09 2012, 4,504 reads


A Conspiracy of Love: Stanford Graduation Speech
In these video excerpts, charismatic Newark Mayor, Cory Booker, reminds Stanford graduates that their success is the product of a vast "conspiracy of love," and challenges all of us to engage in the conspiratorial caring that makes our society safe, strong, and ennobling. A clear and compelling message, and one of the most articulate and inspired commencement speeches of recent times.... posted on Aug 04 2012, 5,515 reads


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A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.
William Arthur Ward

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