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25 Choices that Lead to Happiness
Nancy Rothstein lost her son in a car accident when he was just 15 years old. Seeking to pay tribute to his life and spirit she created a beautiful list titled “Ways to Celebrate Life” to share with friends and family. Each year on what would have been Josh’s next birthday, she adds another item to the list. Josh would have turned 25 this year, a quarter-century marker that insp... posted on Apr 22 2013, 9,598 reads


Ten Things You Might Not Know About Love
"The vision of love that emerges from the latest science requires a radical shift. I learned that I need to ask people to step back from their current views of love long enough to consider it from a different perspective: their body's perspective. Love is not romance. It's not desire. It's not even that special bond you feel with family or significant others. And perhaps most challenging of all, l... posted on Apr 19 2013, 44,166 reads


111 Trees Planted for Every Girl Born Here
"A village in southern Rajasthan's Rajsamand district is quietly practicing its own, homegrown brand of Eco-feminism and achieving spectacular results. For the last several years, Piplantri village panchayat has been saving girl children and increasing the green cover in and around it at the same time. Here, villagers plant 111 trees every time a girl is born and the community ensures these trees ... posted on Apr 16 2013, 6,597 reads


5 Delightful Ways to Live What You Already Know
"In your heart of hearts, in the deepest place within yourself, you know the truth. The truth of living from love, of being free of whatever holds you back, of fullness, well-being, and contentment. Why pretend you don't know any longer? You might be afraid to acknowledge and live this knowing. You might be diverted by thinking your life doesn't measure up or you've been dealt a bad hand or you're... posted on Apr 14 2013, 24,512 reads


Snail Mail My Email
"Snail mail fascinates me," says Ivan Cash. "There's something warm and fuzzy about coming home and checking the mail and getting a letter from a friend. It's such an intimate for of communication, especially in today's world." But when he noticed his letter correspondence was dwindling as text and Facebook messages were growing, he decided something needed to change. The 25 year old, quit his ... posted on Apr 13 2013, 5,838 reads


The Difference Between Listening & Hearing
"There is a difference, strong but not always noted, between listening and hearing. You hear the pneumatic drill, though you would rather not listen. You listen for your children's voices in the playground, but you can't always hear them. In urban environments, there's usually a surplus of sound -- so much, in fact, that it often becomes difficult to hear anything at all. But if we become too good... posted on Apr 08 2013, 26,891 reads


The Stubborn Gladness of Elizabeth Gilbert
The bestselling memoir "Eat, Pray, Love," about losing and finding herself, was the book that shot Elizabeth Gilbert to fame. It is now both a movie and travel tour. Yet there is much more to Gilbert than this runaway success. "Her collection of short stories, 'Pilgrims,' was a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award, and her debut novel, 'Stern Men,' was a New York Times Notable Book. Her 2009 TED T... posted on Apr 07 2013, 32,707 reads


The One Thing They Carried With Them
"If you had to quickly flee both your home and country, what one possession would you make sure you take with you? It's a question that reveals a lot about your life and values, and, unfortunately, is one that many people around the world actually have to answer. NYC-based photographer Brian Sokol has been working on a project supported by the UN Refugee Agency titled "The Most Important Thing." I... posted on Mar 26 2013, 33,494 reads


My Manifesto For A Happier World
Today is the first ever United Nations International Day of Happiness. All across the planet people are taking steps towards our greater collective well-being, and are celebrating their "Happy Heroes"! In honor of this special day, the head of UK-based initiative Action for Happiness has created a 12-step Manifesto For A Happier World -- and it calls for change not just from world leaders but from... posted on Mar 20 2013, 24,158 reads


Love Your Life: An Interview with Maurice Sendak
As our spirit grows, we become more in touch with the beauty of the world. Artist Christoph Niemann illustrates his personal take on an interview with Maurice Sendak on NPR's Fresh Air. He invites us into a world of wild things, inspiration and the love that Sendak has for the world. "Live your life, live your life, live your life."... posted on Mar 16 2013, 6,477 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
Pablo Picasso

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