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Recipes for Recovery
With a tagline that reads, "Where hitting the bottom, begins the climb to new heights," the Delancey Street Foundation is a residential education center for drug addicts and ex-convicts. It currently operates a few facilities across the US, bringing hope and empowerment in communities where people are breaking out of cycles of incarceration and drug abuse . Their mission is rooted in showing resi... posted on May 24 2013, 11,545 reads


What To Do When You've Angered Someone
"I was running late. My wife Eleanor and I had agreed to meet at the restaurant at seven o'clock and it was already half past. I had a good excuse in the form of a client meeting that ran over and I wasted no time getting to the dinner as fast as possible. When I arrived at the restaurant, I apologized and told her I didn't mean to be late. She answered: "You never mean to be late." Uh oh, she wa... posted on May 22 2013, 341,324 reads


Values and the Sharing Economy
According to the director of Share The World's Resources, placing greater emphasis on the social and environmental impacts of sharing rather than personal gain, can drive awareness and action on these larger societal issues. Today, the sharing economy runs the gamut from selflessly operated food distribution programs and people pursuing low carbon footprint lifestyles to entrepreneurs seeking to b... posted on May 21 2013, 26,453 reads


Elders & Llamas: A Love Story
It's not everyday that a llama walks into your room. And that's the magic in it! The llamas is question are therapy animals, who visit nursing homes, mental institutions, and rehabilitation facilities to surprise, delight, nuzzle, and be-nuzzled-by the residents. These lovely, funny-faced creatures have received many hours of special training to provide a comforting, affection-inducing presence. A... posted on May 20 2013, 6,837 reads


David Foster Wallace's Speech for the Ages
O, the maddening tedium of the everyday responsibilities of adult life! It plagues us because the "default setting" of our mentality is to feel victimized by circumstance. We place ourselves in the center of the universal narrative, making the plot-line all about ourselves. In his 2005 commencement address, novelist David Foster Wallace speaks refreshingly about personal empowerment. The freedom c... posted on May 16 2013, 6,043 reads


The Soul of Teamwork
Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson -- by percentage (.738) the winningest coach in NBA history -- is renowned for his ability to turn megastars into team players. And his secret is spiritual. "The most effective way to forge a winning team," he writes in Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons of a Hardwood Warrior, "is to call on the players' need to connect with something larger than themselves." He ... posted on May 13 2013, 35,566 reads


The Science of Love
"We now know that a steady diet of love -- of these micro-moments of positive connection --influences how people grow and change, making them healthier and more resilient. And we're beginning to understand exactly how this works, by tracking the complex chain of biological reactions that cascade throughout your body and change your behaviour in ways that influence those around you as you experienc... posted on May 10 2013, 28,207 reads


Life On A Farm
"Yes, we are part of the world, and the world is within us as we are within an alive and enormous network of being that looks back at us. To perceive this is at once so profound and also simple. It begins with the most obvious everyday things around you." Luanne Armstrong has been living on the same farm for sixty years. Wandering this land each day, she has come to realize that the more she knows... posted on May 09 2013, 17,256 reads


We Have Everything We Need Already
"My grandmother never went to school, she never knew how to read or write, and she was such a wise and brilliant woman. She was incredibly creative, could come up with songs and dances and games right on the spot. She had tons of practical knowledge on herbal remedies and healing practices, and she was the most environmentally conscious person I know. Nothing ever went to waste; she would always m... posted on May 08 2013, 15,116 reads


Julia Cameron on the Creative Life
"Time is like a river. We wash our bones like stones. Time is not the answer. Time is not the quest. Time is where we journey while we learn the rest. Washing in the river of the self." Over twenty years after publishing "The Artist's Way", a bestseller guide to bringing out one's creative self, author Julia Cameron has taken many risks. In this interview with Sounds True, she speaks courageously ... posted on May 07 2013, 26,853 reads


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The wound is the place where the light enters you.

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