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Radical Generosity: From Me to We
Radical Generosity is based on the idea of a gift economy in which the primary question is, "how can I serve you?" rather than, "how can you help me?" It's a shift from 'me' to 'you,' practiced in countless different ways by people all over the world. Some pass along a smile, a kind word, or an anonymous gift of flowers. A bread-maker asks that you pay only what you think his product is worth; a r... posted on Jun 26 2013, 24,678 reads


The Man with 10,000 Tales
"Harold Scheub first went to South Africa on a safari of sorts. In 1967, at the height of apartheid, Scheub--an earnest Midwestern twenty-something with a stint in the Air Force under his belt and a freshly awarded Master's degree in English -- packed a rucksack and hopped a bus for the backcountry. But instead of guns and ammo, he was armed with a bulky tape recorder and D batteries. Scheub wasn'... posted on Jun 25 2013, 13,724 reads


A 3-Step Guide to Practical Contentment
"We start out in life thinking that we're awesome. We can dance in public as 5-year-olds and not care what others think of us. By the time we're adults, that's driven out of us." We doubt, judge, and criticize ourselves as we strive for happiness. In this article, Leo Babauta discusses how to reclaim contentment and why it can be a better thing to strive for than happiness. In this piece the autho... posted on Jun 22 2013, 37,109 reads


A Volcanic Eruption of Kindness
"I run a hotel in London. During the problems with the now infamous ash cloud, I spent the morning listening to people calling in to a radio show on London's LBC radio station to tell their stories of woe. The story that struck me the most was a call from a man named Peter who had just gotten married the previous weekend to Maz. They were due to leave for their honeymoon to the Dominican Republi... posted on Jun 19 2013, 4,634 reads


Are You Humbitious Enough to Lead?
What is humbition? It is that particular blend of humility and ambition that drives the most successful businesspeople, and is an antidote to the arrogance that can often trip up companies and entrepreneurs. The wisest leaders are the ones "smart enough to admit that they cannot take all the credit for their success. More likely than not, what they've achieved is some combination of good fortune, ... posted on Jun 17 2013, 26,429 reads


A Moving Letter from Fiona Apple
Opening up her heart to her fans or "a few thousand friends I have not met yet" in her own words, Fiona Apple lays her vulnerabilities bare in this touching and most-humane note to cancel an upcoming concert tour so she can be with her dying dog. Her words share the deep joy and dedication she feels for her most cherished companion of 14 years, Janet - a rescued pitbull who seems the embodiment o... posted on Jun 16 2013, 22,145 reads


10 Hypotheses on the Commons
"Question: before refrigerators, what did people do when they had too much food? Answer: they threw a party!" What happens when we adopt an attitude of abundance, and embrace this natural phenomenon in our lives? In this excerpt from his keynote address at the International Conference on the Commons, Roberto Verzola explores 10 connections between systems of abundance and the re-emerging "commons"... posted on Jun 15 2013, 21,565 reads


The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination
"A recent early morning hike in Malibu, California, led me to a beach, where I sat on a rock and watched surfers. I marveled at these courageous men and women who woke before dawn, endured freezing water, paddled through barreling waves, and even risked shark attacks, all for the sake of, maybe, catching an epic ride. After about 15 minutes, it was easy to tell the surfers apart by their style o... posted on Jun 13 2013, 37,083 reads


Ten Principles Of Purpose
How do you know what your calling is? And how do you make it happen? Echoing Green has interviewed hundreds of social entrepreneurs over the last 25 years who each found their purpose and manifested it in the world. From their stories, Echoing Green culled ten principles for identifying your purpose and putting it into action. Read on to learn what the ten principles are.... posted on Jun 11 2013, 67,381 reads


The Power of Creative Constraints
What if a hospital decided to serve anyone who came to its doors, regardless of whether they could pay, and still committed to providing world-class quality care? Can such a self-imposed constraint actually help drive innovation? And what if that constraint is geared toward solving a problem of global proportions, without any outside funding? An almost incomprehensibly ambitious vision to rid the ... posted on Jun 10 2013, 48,623 reads


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Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

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